Articles for tag: Bowel Movements, Constipation, Fiber Foods

Karla News

Constipation: An in Depth Look at Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

After food is processed in the digestive system it becomes feces. Feces is passed through the intestines by peristalsis, or muscle contractions, into the rectum to await excretion. Constipation occurs when certain circumstances prevent the body from removing feces. What is Constipation? Constipation is a condition where the intestines peristalsis is slow or not occurring ...

Doctor’s Analysis: Probiotics for Chronic Constipation?

Chronic constipation is no laughing matter. Not only can it be an uncomfortable condition causing such symptoms as abdominal bloating and bad breath, long term constipation may increase your risk of contracting colon cancer. Of late, there’s been an increased interest in using probiotics to treat a variety of intestinal disorders including diarrhea and constipation. ...

Karla News

How to Stop Constipation Naturally

It’s a problem you don’t want to discuss even with your best friend, husband or doctor, but it affects most people at some point in their lives. For whatever reason, some people seem to be more prone to constipation than others although lifestyle and dietary habits appear to play an important role. While there are ...

Constipation: Causes, Signs, and Symptoms

In layman’s term, constipation is difficulty in bowel movements or infrequent bowel movements. A one-time difficulty in bowel movement does not necessarily mean that a person is constipated. If however a person finds himself straining during a bowel movement more than 25% of the time, has observed hard stools more than 25% of the time, ...

Late Pregnancy Complaints: Constipation and Heartburn

Many women experience either constipation or heartburn during pregnancy. A few are unlucky enough to experience both of these ailments. Find out how to prevent and treat pregnancy related constipation and heartburn. Constipation As pregnancy progresses and the fetus gets bigger, the pressure of the extra weight on the rectum can cause constipation. Constipation is ...

What is Constipation?

Constipation is one of those problems that most people experience at some point in their life but rarely talk about. It is most common gastrointestinal complaint in the United States. Most often than not constipation affects women and the elderly, however everyone is susceptible to have constipation. Constipation is a symptom of disorder of bowel ...

Coping with Constipation in the Elderly

Constipation and irregularity are common problems for senior citizens and those with illnesses and disabilities, for many reasons. While it may not sound like a big deal, constipation can make you feel absolutely miserable. Not only that, but it can lead to problems like hemorrhoids, anal fissures, or even intestinal blockages, and those things can ...