Articles for tag: Cascara, Laxatives, Licorice Root, Relieve Constipation, Stimulants

Karla News

Herbal Laxatives to Treat Constipation

Constipation is a gastrointestinal problem that affects almost everyone at some point in his or her life. Constipation causes painful or difficult bowel movements. When you experience constipation, initially reducing pain and eliminating hardened or dried stool from the bowels is the first objective. Laxatives, stool softeners, and colon cleanses are widely available for possible ...

Karla News

Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

Constipation is a condition where bowel movements are affected by being delayed or difficult to pass. It can result in bloating, stomach pain or even cause it to be painful while trying to go to the bathroom. Constipation is usually defined as having a bowel movement fewer than at least 3 times a week. There ...

Karla News

Relieve and Prevent Constipation Naturally

Suffering from constipation can be a very painful, frustrating, and embarrassing health condition to suffer from. However, there are some alternative ways to treat it without having to go to the drugstore and buy laxatives and stool softeners, and I will tell you some of them and share some of my homemade remedies for treating ...

Karla News

The Health Benefits of Apple Bark Tea

One of my favorite herbs to use for creating a medicinal tea for healing digestive aliments is apple bark. Apple bark contains a healing agent in it known as phlorizin, which is a type of antioxidant that acts as a tonic, stimulant, pain reducer and anti-inflammatory in the body. In fact, apple bark is one ...

A Healthy Diet with Bitter Melon: Prevent Diabetes

The Chinese Diet Eastern medicine has long since emphasized using diet for the prevention of ailments before they occur. Preventative diet measures tend not to have the adverse side effects that come with western medicine. By integrating beneficial foods into your diet, it becomes easier to prevent and stem the ailment before it requires a ...

Karla News

Health Benefits of Dandelions

Dandelion (Taraxicum officinale) is one of the most widely recognized wild herbs. Nearly everyone is familiar with the sunny yellow flowers and delicate white puffballs of seeds known as dandelion clocks. Unfortunately, the medicinal value of dandelions is not so well known, and these beneficial plants are often sprayed with herbicides by people who want ...

Karla News

How Magnesium Citrate Relieves Constipation

Magnesium Citrate is a little secret medication for constipation. Magnesium Citrate can be bought without a prescription from your local pharmacy or retail stores. Many people who suffer from constipation don’t know about Magnesium Citrate because of it’s generic looking bottle and the fact that doctors don’t prescribe it. Magnesium Citrate comes in ten ounce ...

Karla News

How to Cleanse Your Bowels and Avoid Constipation

More people suffer from constipation and blocked bowels than you may imagine. Constipation is a problem of food passage through the digestive system. Many who suffer from blocked bowels find it difficult to eliminate the food they have eaten and often pass stools that are dry and hard. Constipation can make you feel uncomfortable. It ...