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DIY Solutions for Chapped Lips

Aloe Vera Gel, Chapped Lips

Chapped lips are annoying, and can be unattractive and painful. While there is always a bevy of choices in the stores for chap sticks and other solutions, you can also make some all natural solutions at home. I know that I have lost more lip balm or chap stick than I have used, or run the tubes through the washer. With these two home-made solutions I never have that problem.

When working with essential oils, less is always more. Do not exceed the recommended amounts, and be sure to test for allergic reactions when using any ingredient for the first time. These mixtures should be stored in airtight containers between uses, and kept in a cool, dark location. You can multiply these mixtures to make larger batches, however make sure that you keep the ratios the same, both for consistency and safety reasons. In the oil mixture, I did not specify which carrier oil to use, because you can pick your favorite. I generally use vegetable oil or olive oil. However, if you want a creamier consistency you might want to use a coconut or similar more solid oil.

Chapped Lip Gel


2 Teaspoons of aloe vera gel

2 Drops of geranium essential oil

2 Drops of chamomile essential oil


  1. Place the aloe vera gel in a small seal-able container.
  2. Add the essential oils, drop by drop, and stir until the ingredients are completely integrated.
  3. Lightly apply the mixture to the lips with a fingertip.
  4. Seal the container and store remaining gel for future use.

Chapped Lip Oil


2 Teaspoons of carrier oil

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5 Drops of lavender essential oil

5 Drops of lemon essential oil

10 Drops of geranium essential oil

10 Drops of chamomile essential oil


  1. Place the carrier oil in a seal-able container. If you are using a solid oil, like coconut, warm it up a little mixes better with the essential oils.
  2. Add the essential oils drop by drop, mixing until all of the ingredients are completely incorporated.
  3. Massage the oil into your chapped lips, and any areas of your skin that might be chapped.
  4. Seal the container and save any remaining mixture for future use.

The essential oils used here are common, and can be purchases at many health food stores, and specialty stores that carry herbs. If you do not have one or more of these essential oils, there are some substitutions that can be made. Rose, sandalwood or neroli essential oils can be used in place of the oils that I have used. Just remember, to substitute in a way that leaves thew essential oil to aloe vera gel or carrier oil the same. There are also several reputable online retailers for essential oils, and even some you can find through Amazon. Two online retailers that I trust are Birch Hill Happenings and Young Living Essential Oils. Both sites also answer questions you might have on specific oils.