Articles for tag: Bad Smells, Chapped Lips, Chapstick

Karla News

The Origins of Chapstick

Millions of people around the world suffer from chapped lips, and Chapstick is what many use to lubricate their lips, to soften and moisturize the skin, and to prevent the painful cracking that accompanies dry lips. But did you know the history of Chapstick and where the product Chapstick came from? I didn’t either, until ...

Karla News

Chapped Lips Myths Debunked

The winter season is upon us meaning snow days, long commutes to work as we sludge through the snow, hoodies, and the second to most common affliction other than the cold-chapped lips. Chapped lips can happen year-round, but it appears to be more prevalent in the winter months due to the drop in humidity, the ...

Karla News

4 Easy Steps to Cure Chapped Lips

Chapped lips aren’t sexy, if you want people to focus on how sexy your lips are rather than how dry and flaky they look, read along to find out how you can give chapped lips the boot. 1. Wet Your Whistle Your lips are made of fairly thin skin and it’s extremely easy for them ...

Karla News

DIY Solutions for Chapped Lips

Chapped lips are annoying, and can be unattractive and painful. While there is always a bevy of choices in the stores for chap sticks and other solutions, you can also make some all natural solutions at home. I know that I have lost more lip balm or chap stick than I have used, or run ...

Karla News

Cures for Chapped Lips

Chapped lips are no fun for anyone. That dry, flaky feeling is nothing but annoying and can look bad too. There can be multiple reasons you have chapped lips, such as the dry cold air of winter, lack of vitamin B-2, a lip biting habit, how you heat your home, allergic reaction to dyes in ...

Karla News

Natural Treatment for Chapped Lips

The worst thing about having chapped lips is once you have them, it seems to never go away. It becomes a constant habit to constantly lick your lips when you need to moisturize them, and most chapsticks simply relieve your symptoms rather than cure the dryness that causes the problem to begin with. Learn at-home ...

Karla News

Soothing Chapped Lips

Rough, red, cracked, sensitive lips is not a dangerous condition if taken care of but it is annoying. They can be treated right at home and there are steps you can take to keep your lips healthy all the time. Usually your natural skin oils keep your lips smooth, moist and soft but some weather ...