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Did You Know that There Are Three Different Types of Pink Eye?

Allergic Conjunctivitis, Conjunctivitis, Eye Conditions, Pink Eye

Do you think your child has pink eye? Well, do you know what type of pink eye that your child has? This is important as there are three different types of pink eye, and each one has different causes and treatments as well. Knowing which type of pink eye your child has might not be easily determined at home. You will most likely have to consult your pediatrician, but this article will help you understand the cause and treatment of each type.

The first type of pink eye is called viral conjunctivitis. This is one that actually does not require any medication the majority of the time. It is caused by a viral infection, and usually will pass when the virus passes. Symptoms include watery eyes, itchiness, and having one or both eyes infected. You should not assume your child has viral conjectivitus just because they have a virus at the same time they get pink eye, let your doctor make this diagnosis. If your child is very young, your doctor still might give them treatment to help with the pink eye condition. Also for children of any age, your doctor can possibly prescribe drops to help relieve some of the itchiness.

The second type of pink eye is referred to as bacterial conjunctivitis This is actually caused by bacteria. Typically bacterial conjunctivitis starts out in one eye only, but can spread easily to the second eye as well. Bacterial conjunctivitis is one that usually includes the colored discharge in fluids from the eye and can be a way your doctor determines which type of pink eye your child has. You must take your child to the doctor, and make sure you inform them if the discharge from your child’s eye is colored. This will usually be greenish or yellowish. If before getting your child to the doctor they have problems opening their eye due to the discharge, place a wet washcloth over it to help loosen the discharge and aid in opening the eye. This is usually treated by antibiotic drops.

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The final type of pink eye is referred to as allergic conjunctivitis. This type of pink eye is more commonly contracted by children and adults who have allergies. Sometimes the allergy will affect their eye and result in the pink eye condition. More often with this condition the flueid coming from your child’s eyes is not colored. The amount of watering sometimes can be slightly higher than with the other conditions as well though. This type of pink eye is usally treated with allergy drops and other allergy medicine. The good news about allergic conjunctivitis is it is a pink eye condition which is not contagious. Do not assume your child (or yourself) has this just because your child has allergies. Let your doctor make the diagnosis, but providing information about anything you note such as clear eye discharge instead of colored is very helpful.

Overall pink eye is not a serious condition but it can be painful and can be very contagious despending on the type of conjunctivitis it is. Do not try to diagnose your child yourself, take them to your pediatrician. By knowing the different types though you can share your observations with your pediatrician and that will help them in making their diagnosis. The majority of pink eye conditions will not go away without medical treatment.