Articles for tag: Clogged Arteries, Phytonutrients, Viral Infections

Karla News

Types of Grapes and Their Health Benefits

Grapes are small oval juicy plump fruits that grow on woody vines in vineyards and gardens. People use grapes to make wines, juices, jellies, raisins and grape seed oil. However, there are a few different types of grapes to choose from with different flavors, colors and nutrients. Red grapes get their color from the high ...

Different Types of Sore Throats and How to Treat Them

Previously published on Factoidz Sore throats are extremely annoying and can get in the way of everyday life. Whenever a sore throat occurs, we want the fastest solution available to get rid of them so we can move on with our lives. There are several different types of sore throats and different ways to treat ...

Karla News

Remedies for a Toddler with Diarrhea

Have a toddler with an upset stomach? A baby that is on solid food and has diarrhea? Here are a few things you can do to ease the problem. If you have an infant that only drinks breast milk or bottles, call your doctor immediately if your child has more than one loose stool. If ...

Karla News

The Lymphadenopathy of Lymph Nodes

Lymphadenopathy: Localized, generalized, and persistent generalized Lymphadenopathies are diseases of swollen or enlarged lymph nodes, that may be caused by infections, malignancies, or auto-immune diseases, when an organ in the body fails to recognize its own parts and allows immune responses against its cells and tissues, such as Diabetes Mellitus Type I or Rheumatoid Arthritis. ...

Karla News

Safe Medicinal Herbs for Children

While the majority of medicinal herbs are unstudied in young children, toddlers, and infants, a few key supplements offer health benefits and healing properties that are unmatched in safety and efficacy by pharmaceutical drugs. Elderberry, chamomile, and lemon balm are all essential medicinal herbs for any home with children. Safe Medicinal Herbs for Children: Chamomile ...

The Top Four Antibiotics Used to Treat Bone Infection

Drugs – – everyone fears them to a certain degree; obviously some more than others. I personally despise taking them. That probably is a result of the many medications I had to take as a child with rheumatic fever. Unfortunately, my recent foray into severe bone infection has, to say the least, been most enlightening. ...

Types of Skin Infections and Problems

One of the most painful time for any person is when they come to know that they have been infected with a skin infection. It almost takes the life out of life, it seems that a skin infection is an unending problem. Many people think that a skin infection is a vicious circle and that ...