Articles for tag: Allergic Conjunctivitis, Conjunctivitis, Pink Eye

Conjunctivitis – Pink Eye’s True Name

-OVERVIEW OF CONJUNCTIVITIS- Conjunctivitis is the medical term for a condition which is more commonly known to the general public as Pink Eye. In some cases this condition is caused by allergies, but in most instances its cause is rooted in a viral infection. Some of the viruses which can cause conjunctivitis are extraordinarily contagious. ...

Could I Have an Eye Infection?

Most patients assume that if they have red, irritated, or teary eyes that they have an eye infection commonly called “pink eye”, but is it really an infection or could it be something else? What Is Pink Eye? “Pink eye” is a non-medical, common term, used to describe the medical disease conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is the ...

Karla News


If you were to wake up one morning with one of your eye or both eyes feeling itchy, irritated, swollen, with eyelids stuck together and your eyes looking reddened or bloodshot. You most likely would be having the signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis also called “Pink Eye.” Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the membrane that covers ...

The Best Eye Drops for Allergies

Have you experienced itchy, red, watery, sore, swollen or stinging eyes? Then you are most likely experiencing the symptoms of eye allergies. Itching is the most important symptom, without itching, it is less likely that you are experiencing eye allergies. Both eyes are usually affected, although one eye may be worse than the other. There ...