Diaper rashes come without a moment’s notice. When your baby gets a diaper rash, life can be exhausting: for you and the baby. Baby rashes are painful so mom’s need quick remedies. Never has there been a better time for diaper rash home remedies.

Think about making a diaper rash home remedy before heading out to the store and spending money. Not only can you save money, but your remedy could be the talk of the town. Mom home remedies are ways to make friends, save money, and keep your children healthy and happy.

What is a Diaper Rash?
A diaper rash is where there is inflammation on the skin of the baby. The basic explanation is when the baby’s bottom is warm and moist, it becomes inundated with bacterial. This becomes the perfect location for a rash to arise. Babies also are affected by the ingredients within commercial products.

Diaper Rash Symptoms:
Symptoms can come quiet suddenly. The baby diaper rash can be quiet painful. Not only can the skin become inflamed, but the baby can develop blisters. A diaper rash can make a baby cranky and tearful.

Diaper Rash Home Remedy: Baking Soda and Lard

Baking soda and lard: what a great combination! This remedy is an easy and old diaper rash home remedy. Add a little Aloe Vera or Vitamin E to into the lard to help the skin heal quicker. Keep a Tupperware handy with the lard inside. When you see the first signs of a diaper rash coming, clean the baby bottom thoroughly and dry. Once dry, add a thin layer of the lard mixture over the baby bottom. Finish off with another fine layer of the baking soda. Put on a diaper as normal.

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Diaper Rash Home Remedy: Cornstarch
Clean baby bottom and dry completely. Add cornstarch into your hands and pat your hands gently away from babies face. Then gently pat the cornstarch on the baby’s bottom. The key is keeping the bottom dry. The cornstarch will dry up damp areas and keep the area keep friction to a minimum between the elastic and skin.

Diaper Rash Home Remedy: Petroleum Jelly & Vitamin E
Take a handful of petroleum jelly and mix with a few drops or two of vitamin e oil. Mix this well and put into a sealed container. Once the baby bottom is very dry, add a thin layer of this diaper rash remedy and gently rub over the diaper rash. You can also add a little baking soda or corn starch onto the petroleum jelly to keep the baby as dry as possible. The Vitamin E will help the skin heal. The petroleum jelly offers a protective barrier for the skin allowing the skin to heal properly.

Baby Diaper Tips
Use an all-natural detergent on your babies clothing.

Change the baby’s diaper often. This will keep the baby bottom dry and avoid bacteria’s from developing.

Never give a baby a hot bath. Instead, make it warm, but not too warm. Also, use a hypoallergenic cleanser on your baby.

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