If your baby has a diaper rash, try these home remedies before heading out to the store to spend more money! Home remedies are the perfect solution!

Natural home remedies for diaper rash is by far the best solution for your baby, and the cheapest. Many products you will already have around the house. If you don’t, you will want to keep these home remedies around for those baby ailments.

Babies love lean bottoms but sometimes diaper rashes occur. These diaper rashes can be as painful as irritating. They can cause loss of sleep for the baby and parent. In times like these, feel free to try several remedies until you find the one that works the best for you. When you find that cure that works for your baby, feel free to share with others! Here are the ones that have worked best for me.

What causes Diaper Rash?

A baby’s bottom supposedly should be smooth and soft. Of course, then you add in urine and stool and what happens? Your baby’s bottom can become irritated. When the sensitive area is exposed to bacteria and yeast, the rash can become worse. This leaves the baby upset and hurting.

Top 5 Diaper Rash Preventative Measures

Change diaper often (Pee and Poop).

Unscented baby wipes.

Use diaper rash ointment.

Don’t wipe rash area. Use water and rinse softly.

Use lanolin ointment on baby’s bottom. Find in the diaper rash section.

Top 5 Diaper Rash Home Remedies

Tea Tree Oil Diaper Rash Home Remedy

If you don’t have tea tree oil around your house, buy some. This is miracle oil that will heal many different ailments including a diaper rash. Some of the reasons tea tree oil is my top pick for a diaper rash home remedy are the following: the tea tree oil is effective against yeast; the oil is antibacterial and is also anti-inflammatory. All of this adds up to telling us that tea tree oil is effective at healing wounds. Bottom line, tea tree oil can cure diaper rashes. You can find tea tree oil at your local health food store or buy it online.

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If you buy the tea tree oil concentrated, this is very strong. Try making a mixture of olive oil, 3-5 tsp. of water, and tea tree oil. Mix this completely then you just rub onto the diaper rash. You can store this in a Tupperware for more uses as you won’t want to leave home without this diaper rash home remedy.

Lotrimin Diaper Rash Home Remedy

This is another great home remedy that is very low cost. You don’t have to buy name brands and this works great on diaper rashes. The diaper rash is a wound and can be very painful on your baby’s bottom. Cures like this one are great to have around for minor wounds.


You want to take equal parts of Lotrimin anti-fungal cream, Neosporin, Mylanta antacid, and zinc oxide. You don’t even need to use expensive brands for this mixture. You want to use at least a tablespoon or two of each item. Mix this completely and rub onto the baby’s bottom. Not only is the Neosporin healing to the bottom, but each ingredient works against the rash to heal your baby’s bottom quickly.

Aloe Vera Diaper Rash Home Remedy

Aloe Vera is very medicinal and can help heal many different ailments including a diaper rash. Keep a large Aloe Very plant in your home at all times as you will be surprised how often you use the plant for medicinal needs.


Cut a part of a stem from the Aloe Vera plant. You want to cut out the gel mixture within the Aloe Vera stem. You can place this in a bowl. If you have any cocoa butter, add a little into the mixture. After I’ve mixed this mixture, I lather onto the baby’s bottom. To finish off, I do a dusting of cornstarch. By morning, you will see a big difference!

See also  Home Diaper Rash Remedies

Chamomile Diaper Rash Home Remedy

If you are accustomed to drinking chamomile, you know how soothing this tea can be. What you didn’t know was that chamomile can reduce inflammation.


You want to take a chamomile tea bag and cut the bag open as you want what’s inside the bag. Now take three tablespoons of cornstarch and pour into a bowl. Add in the chamomile tea. Mix this together and rub onto the baby’s bottom. Use this remedy of lighter rashes as the redder the rash is, the more your baby’s bottom will hurt.

Natural Ingredients Diaper Rash Home Remedy

No matter what type of home remedy you are using, it is important to use the most natural ingredients. Not only are natural ingredients wonderful for healing ailments such as a diaper rash, but they are also great to have on hand for other ailments. Natural ingredients such as Tea Tree Oil and Vitamin E Oil are great to have on hand for those ailments that require us to create a quick remedy.

Essential Oils are wonderful as they have many different cures for different oils. Go to a health food store or check online for the different oils and cures as you will be surprised at how many different ailments can be cures simply by using an Essential Oil.


Mayo Clinic
