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Deep Relaxation Can Decrease Stress with Reflexology Treatments


One way to relax from the stresses of life is to try a healing art called reflexology. It is a safe treatment for adults and children. Reflexology is a science in which a pressure or form of acupressure is applied to stimulate reflexes in the feet. The entire region of the feet will be worked on during a single session. Stimulating the reflexes or the body’s involuntary responses will cause the organs of the body to be stimulated. Detoxing can occur and built up poisons will be eliminated. Reflex points are connected to or correspond to specific body organs. Stimulating a reflex will also flush out blockages within the body’s energy channels. The body will then return to a state of equilibrium and balance so the body can heal itself.

The soles of the feet are very sensitive and have more than 7,000 nerve endings. The high concentrations of nerve endings and pressure sensors may be the reason working on the feet is so affective in healing according to one theory. The hands and feet are where the nerves in the body starts and ends. Nerves instruct the body by carrying messages. The nervous system has three main functions called sensory input, integration and motor output. The nervous system responds to new input. During the reflexology treatment particular spots on the feet will be touched that are said to stimulate nerve impulses that travel to the brain. The brain then relays the message to a corresponding body part.

One way reflexology helps your health is it calms down feelings of stress. Vulnerability to disease is decreased when stress levels are lowered. When the body is under stress it can cause energy levels to drop which can make it difficult for the body to fight infection or heal. When physical and mental strain are relieved, the body will react by restoring health and energy. The nerves and vessels will also unlax which will help oxygen-rich nutrients reach all parts of the body from better blood flow. Severe stress will produce stress hormones called adrenaline and cortisol. When pressure is applied to the feet the body responds and stress levels decrease. Blood and lymph flow improve when stress is reduced. The cells will then be rejuvenated and revitalized which will make the entire healing process stronger. The nerve supply also works better. The entire body receives its nerve supply from the spine. Stress can affect the nerves and cause the muscles of the spine to become stiff or tight. The deep relaxation felt from reflexology treatment will help relieve the tightness which will helps relieve pain.

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You can learn to do reflexology on your own feet on a regular basis. It is suggested by experts to also have a trained reflexologist work on your feet at least once a week. Everyone is different so some people may benefit more than others. The more you receive reflexology treatment the more you are liable to notice benefits.
