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Date Rape Drug Rohypnol (Flunitrazepan) – is Still a Threat and an Abused Drug


Often, we tend to think a problem has gone away-or at least lessened-when the media dies down or goes silent on a particular topic. This tendency can make us vulnerable, because we are lulled into a false sense that all is well and we can relax. Rohypnol, also know as “roofies, rophies, roche, party poppers, ruffies, rib, Mexican Valium, roach-2, roaches, R2, roopies, rope, ropies, circles,” and the “forget-me pill,” is still a threat to both women and men and a routinely abused drug.


Original Rohypnol is a small round or oblong white pill with the name ROCHE and the numeral 1 or 2 in a circle stamped on it. Rohypnol comes in a .5 and a 1-milligram dosage. The 2-milligram tablet was phased out between 1996 and 1997 and they are currently phasing out the round white 1-milligram tablet. While the pill is the most commonly used street form, it can also be found as an injectable solution. Hoffman-La Roche has made a change in the Rohypnol tablet, because of its illicit use. The new 1-milligram dose is an oblong, olive green tablet, with the number 542 on it. Hoffman-La Roche says the new tablet contains a dye that will be visible if it is slipped into a drink.

How do people get it?

Hoffman-La Roche Inc. produces Rohypnol and it is legally sold in Latin America and Europe as a pre-anesthetic medication and a short-term treatment for insomnia. Rohypnol is legally sold in 64 countries in Europe, South America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. It is currently possible to bring Rohypnol into the country for personal use and, of course, it finds its way illegally across the boarders. While Rohypnol may have first found its way into the country from Mexico via Florida, California and Texas (popular resort areas, in particular for spring breakers), it can be found almost anywhere.

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What does it do?

Rohypnol impairs mental judgment and reaction time. Once ingested, inhibitions are abated and memory loss-that may encompass from eight to twelve hours of an individual’s life-ensues, thus the nickname forget-me pill and the more prevalent reference of date rape pill. This element of the drugs effects makes it a perfect tool for the sexual predator or rapist. Victims cannot remember the circumstances of the assault and even if the perpetrator can be identified, conviction becomes problematic. One of the most frightening aspects of the drug, other than its ultimate affect on the individuals victimized or the abusers, is the fact that one can purchase a tablet for $5.00 or less.

Who abuses Rohypnol?

According to a statement given by Terrance W. Woodworth. Deputy Director, Office of Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Administration, United States Department of Justice to congress, there are “…three distinct patterns of abuse of this drug; alone for its intoxicating effects; in combination with other drugs; and for the purpose of rape.” Middle school through college students, rave party attendees, and heroin and cocaine addicts have used Rohypnol. It is often used in combination with Marijuana and alcohol. Some say Rohypnol does not deliver the hangover effect produced by alcohol and use it as a replacement for alcohol. It is also believed that Rohypnol cannot be detected in urinalysis because it dissipates quickly from the system. Ravers, who use amphetamines to stay awake for long periods, use it to mediate the affect of the amphetamines. Heroin and cocaine addicts use Rohypnol to potentiate or modulate the effect of the other drugs.

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Rohypnol And Rape

Rohypnol is a quick and convenient way to gain control over another individual without their knowledge, making it particularly insidious. Once ingested, the affected individual will be relatively pliable after about 20 minutes. An individual can be easily manipulated away from a group and into a sequestered situation. Once the affects dissipate, as many as 12 hours after the ingestion, the affected individual will awake and have no specific memories of the events during the loss of time. According to Terrance W. Woodworth’s statement to congress, “In one recent case in Broward County, Florida, a convicted rapist boasted of using Rohypnol to rape as many as 20 different women.” In this same statement to congress, he further presents information that street gangs use this drug to commit gang rape as part of gang initiations.


If someone hands you what they say is an aspirin for your headache, do yourself a favor and look at it before you pop it in your mouth. Consider the source. Is this someone you trust? If it doesn’t look like an aspirin or the individual offering it is not well known to you, bare the pain until you can acquire what you are sure is an aspirin. Never leave your drink unattended and if you do leave it, get a fresh one when you return. If you fear you have been the victim of rape under the influence of Rohypnol, insist that your blood be tested immediately for Rohypnol. Rohypnol’s metabolic properties can be detected for up to 72 hours. For the most reliable result, the forensic lab should screen for flunitrazepam metabolite, 7-amino-flunitrazepam, using gas chromatography and/or mass spectrometry. Many commercial toxicological screens do not detect flunitrazepam.

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Along with the change to the pill by Hoffman-La Roche, the DEA has begun the process to move flunitrazepam from Schedule IV to Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, which carries more severe punishment for those trafficking in the drug and will put more restrictions on the way it may come into the country.
