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Conflict Resolution Test

Conflict Resolution

Here is a pre-test to administer at the beginning of teaching Conflict Resolution techniques. At the end of the quarter or unit, administer the same test to see how much your students have learned. An answer key is provided. Feel free to copy, paste, format, and print this test to use in your classroom. For your convenience, a link to a pre-formatted test is provided in the form of a PDF file.

The teacher explains

Pass out a copy of the Pre-Test to each student. I suggest you photocopy the Pre-Test on a pretty color of paper and laminate them. That way, you can use these same tests over and over again. For your convenience, here is a PDF file of the test that you may print: Communication Skills Test.

  • Click link: Communication Skills Test

Teacher explains: We are now going to take a Pre-Test. This Pre-Test does not count on your report card grade. This is simply to let me know how much you already know about the topics we will learn about this quarter.

At the end of the quarter, you will take this exact same test again. At that time, this test will be worth 20% of your grade.

There are 25 questions on this test. Each question is worth 4 points.

As for questions number 1-4, you are listing four of the twelve Basic Needs. Two of them are done for you. The Bonus question is to list the other six. For every Basic Need that you can recall over and above the four required ones, you get 1 extra credit point for each one. Therefore, you can actually make a 106% on this test.

Please do not write on the test. Write the answers on a notebook sheet of paper. Afterward, turn in the test and your answer sheet in two separate piles.

Communication Skills Test

Basic Needs


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List at least 4 more of the 12 Basic Needs. Two of them have been done for you.

Survival & Life Needs: Food, Water, Shelter, Clothing, Air, Medical, etc.

1. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

3. ______________________________

4. ______________________________

Directions: There are 6 more. Name as many as you can for up to 6 extra credit Bonus points.

a. ______________________________

b. ______________________________

c. ______________________________

d. ______________________________

e. ______________________________

f. ______________________________

Three Outcomes of Conflict: LOSE-LOSE, WIN-LOSE, WIN-WIN

Directions: Give a real life example of this kind of outcome between either two people, two groups, or two teams.

5. LOSE-LOSE Outcome: ________________________________________________________


6. WIN-LOSE Outcome: ________________________________________________________


7. WIN-WIN Outcome: ________________________________________________________



Explanation: Somebody just cut you in the lunch line. You want him or her to go back to the end of the line. Use an ‘I Message’ on that person. Make certain you give a good reason for your request.

8. I ___________________________________________________

because _______________________________________________ .

Good Communication Techniques for Storytelling, Speeches, & Oral Reports

Explanation: There are many techniques used by good communicators. List three of them below.

9. ________________________________________________________________

10. ________________________________________________________________

11. ________________________________________________________________

Peer Pressure

Explanation: A kid is trying to peer pressure you to smoke or drink. Describe two ways you can stand up to his or her peer pressure.

12. ____________________________________________

13. ____________________________________________

Passive, Aggressive, & Assertive Responses to Conflict

Directions: Use the Word Bank and pick out three responses to fit each category: Passive, Aggressive, & Assertive.

Word Bank:

quiet put-downs talk it out sincere apologies

push gossip hit

whine self-mentoring yell

3 of the above responses are AGGRESSIVE. List them below.

14. _________________________________

15. _________________________________

16. _________________________________

3 of the above responses are ASSERTIVE. List them below.

17. _________________________________

18. _________________________________

19. _________________________________

3 of the above responses are PASSIVE. List them below.

20. _________________________________

21. _________________________________

22. _________________________________


Explanation: Someone has just put you down in a way that you makes you feel very disrespected.

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23. Describe how you will self-mentor yourself so that you can feel better. ________________________________________________________


24. Additionally, describe at least one POSITIVE thing you will do to try to get the person to NOT put you down anymore. ________________________________________________________


25. When someone whines, fake cries, complains, does the attitude thing, or feels sorry for himself or herself, you could say that person probably is acting like he or she feels like a:

Victim Hero Which one is the best answer?

Answer Key:

#1 through #4 plus 6 Bonus questions

Any four of the following 10 Basic Needs: Safety, Security, Power, Respect, Self-Respect, Belonging or Belongingness, Affection, Freedom, Fun, Self-Actualization

5. LOSE-LOSE Outcome: Student describes a situation where both people end up unhappy or not having accomplished their goal or desire in some way.

6. WIN-LOSE Outcome: Student describes a situation where only one of the two people or groups got what they wanted. The other person or group did not.

7. WIN-WIN Outcome: Student describes a situation where both people or groups end up getting what they wanted or accomplishing their goals.

8. I Message about someone cutting you in line.

I _____________________________ because ______________________________________.

Example: I would really appreciate it if you would go back to the end of the line because I don’t think it is fair that you cut me as I am very hungry.

#9 through #11

Any 3 of the following Good Communication techniques such as:

good eye contact, no distracting motions, being enthusiastic, normal volume, different voices for each character, good talking speed, good body language, good listener, good turn-taking, good observations, the way we talk, stay on the subject, normal pitch, clear speech, don’t mumble, keep an adequate distance, don’t fidget, use of goofy voice or accent or dialect.

See also  Conflict Resolution in Learning Teams

#12 & #13

Any 2 of the following answers would work for avoiding the peer pressure to smoke or drink:

say no, challenge them with questions such as why do you want me to do that, talk about the hazards of doing such a thing, try issuing positive peer pressure, say, “If I don’t do this, there will be all the more for you.”, be willing to walk away if they won’t stop pressuring you.

#14 through #16

Aggressive responses to conflict: push, hit, yell

#17 through #19

Assertive responses to conflict: talk it out, self-mentoring, sincere apologies

#20 through #22

Passive response to conflict: quiet put-downs, whine, gossip

23. Describe a reasonable solution to self-mentor yourself when someone puts you down. (Accept reasonable answers.)

24. Describe a POSITIVE way to try to get the other person to not put you down any more. (Accept reasonable answers.)

25. When someone whines, fake cries, complains, does the attitude thing, or feels sorry for himself or herself, you could say that person probably is acting like he or she feels like a: VICTIM.


3 C’s: Character Education, Conflict Resolution, Communication Skills by Debbie Dunn. This curriculum was created for and taught for five years (1998 to 2003) in an East Tennessee Middle School until a budget-cut eliminated most of the school’s special programs. Visit my School Conflict Resolution Examiner page for further information.

  • Click link: School Conflict Resolution Examiner page

To see all the conflict resolution units organized by section with links back to Examiner.com, please visit:

3C’s Portal page housing links to all conflict resolution lesson plans posted on Examiner.com
