Articles for tag: Writing a Research Paper

Karla News

Tips for Organizing Information for a Research Paper

You’ve got a huge paper due for the end of the semester and you have no idea where to begin. You have picked out your topic, or perhaps have had one assigned to you, now where do you go from there? The next step is researching your topic. Each person approaches research in a different ...

Karla News

What Makes a Good Research Paper?

In order to understand what a good research paper is composed of, a look into the definition of the words will be helpful. The Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary Online defines research as a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new) information or reach a (new) understanding and a paper as a ...

Karla News

The Hillsborugh High School IB Program: Tampa, Florida–An Insider’s Review

In modern America’s atmosphere of intense academic competition, there are few assets more valuable than a great school. Institutions that stimulate their students intellectually and push them to succeed are highly valued at all levels of education, from elementary to graduate school. Of course, these qualities are what characterize the top universities in the world, ...

Karla News

Facts for Kids About Bees

Are you searching for facts and information about bees? Are you writing a research paper or science report about bees and looking for information? Are you a teacher or home school parent preparing a lesson plan about bees? Did your child just see a bee outside and you’d like to make a lesson out of ...

Karla News

How to Start a Research Paper

Need help starting your research paper? Writing the first few sentences can be tough. How will you grab your audience’s attention? How can you ensure that your readers will want to continue? The following seven techniques will give you ideas on how to craft your opening sentences for your research paper. Starting a Research Paper ...

Karla News

Free Drunk Driving Essay / Research Paper Tips

Drunk driving destroys lives, hurts relationships and devastates families. And, it is 100% preventable. If you are writing a research paper or essay on the dangers of intoxicated driving, this tips might help you. This advice can be used for a paper for your Driver’s Education, English, or Health class. Contact your local MADD chapter. ...