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Cheap Birthday Party Favors for Girls

Cheap Birthday Party, Cheap Birthday Party Favors, Kid Friendly Recipes

Hair Accessories: Girls of all ages love hair accessories. You can find lots of great head bands, barrettes, etc., at any discount store or dollar store. If you grab a bundle of 10 colorful head bands for $1.00 then they only cost 10 cents each! You can also pick up packages of cheap combs or hair brushes. And don’t forget the ponytail holders! The girls will love them and so will your pocketbook!

Nail Art: Run to the dollar store again and buy packages of fun nail art. Then cut the sheets so you have lots of individual nail art appliqués to go around! This is a great way to give out lots of party favors for only pennies a piece!

Stickers: Stickers are readily available at any discount store or dollar store. Once again, buy packages of sticker and separate them into smaller individual gifts so you can get more bang for your buck.

Costume Jewelry: Every girl loves jewelry. Search dollar stores and clearance sales for inexpensive adjustable rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc. Or if you want to be really creative and you think you can keep things under control you can have a table set up with jewelry making supplies and let each girl make her own necklace… even if it’s out of macaroni!

Recipes: Print out some easy kid friendly recipes to hand out. You can make the recipes pretty by printing them on colorful card stock or just print on white paper and glue the recipe to a piece of inexpensive construction paper. You could even have your birthday girl make some sort of crafty envelope that her guests can put their recipes in. That’s more than a party favor... it’s also a gift!

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Balloons: Buy a bag or two of colorful balloons but don’t blow them up! Balloons that are not blown up make great party favors. The party guests can bring the balloons home and blow them up and play with them there. Then they don’t have to worry about the balloons popping on the way home! You can pick up a bag of balloons in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. Check your local discount stores and dollar stores and make sure you look in the craft section or toy section. Balloons in those sections are usually cheaper than balloons in the party section. Shop around and you will find you can get dozens of balloon party favors for literally pennies a piece!

Snacks: Kids love snacks. And their parents will appreciate the snacks too! Put your thinking cap on and look for items that you can buy in packs such as juice boxes, pudding cups, jello cups, snack size boxes of raisins, single serving fruit cups, etc. These party favors may cost anywhere from 25 to 50 cents each but they can be the “grand finale” party favors!

Group Photo: One of the best party favors you can hand out is a group photo of all the guests! Just take a digital photo at the beginning of the party and print out enough copies for each child. This is a party favor they can cherish forever!

No matter what party favors you decide on, the girls will have a blast. And that’s what parties are all about!