Articles for category: Recreation

Karla News

Best Carp Fishing Website for United States Carp Anglers

Carp anglers are of a different breed than most people into fishing. To the average bass, trout, salmon, catfish, or sunfish angler, a carp is a “trash fish” that should be eliminated. To the carp anglers, carp represent one of the most hard-fighting freshwater fish, with a remarkable ability to survive all over the United ...

Karla News

Learn How to Ride a Unicycle

Unicycling is a great activity to take up for many reasons. Whether you want to take up unicycling for fun, exercise, or even just as a conversation starter, you will need to invest a large amount of time to learn. This guide will teach you the basics of how to unicycle from choosing a unicycle ...

Karla News

Professional Clay Poker Chip Tray Craft Project

This Professional Clay Poker Chip tray project is a great way to serve drinks or even some snack foods at your next poker night. You can make it any shape or size to fit your own needs. The kids can also make this easy Professional Clay Poker Chip craft and give it as a gift ...

Karla News

Cheap Vacation Ideas Made Easy

At last, You’re finally ready to choose your next vacation. If you are reading this you are probably looking for some cheap vacation ideas to save some money. Imagine being on a beach, the wind blowing in your face. The water looks so clear and blue. The smell in the air is so clean and ...

Karla News

Hummingbirds in Florida

Florida seems like the perfect place to be able to watch hummingbirds as they dart from feeder to feeder or from flower to flower. If Florida were one of the first states that comes to mind when considering where one may find these tiny birds, then you would not be far from right. There are ...

Karla News

Acrylic, Cotton and Wool Yarn

So you’re ready to learn to knit or crochet and you know that the first step is to pick out some yarn to start practicing with. As you go to your local yarn store you notice that there are so many different types of yarn, all made with different fibers – what should you choose? ...

Karla News

REI Half Dome 2 HC Camping Tent

Once a year my family and I go camping. I went into my basement and looked around at all of our camping gear to get a feel for what we were in the need for. I knew that we needed a tent because last year, our tent was attacked by a bear. That was the ...

Karla News

A Good Roulette System

I’m having luck playing 10,11,12,13,14, 15, 21, 28, 29, 30,31, 32, and 33. With the exception of 21, these numbers are in rows (also known as lines) on the roulette table. I heard about this system some years ago from a gambler who said he won more than he lost using these numbers. First, I’ll ...

Karla News

How to Play the “Let it Ride” Card Game

While I first saw this played in the Bellagio Casino in Las Vegas, this card game can be found worldwide. Let It Ride is based on poker. What makes Let It Ride unique is that you can actually take back some of your money as the cards are being dealt. And there’s a special twist ...

Karla News

Hunting with the .351 Winchester Self Loader

The rifle I have was made in 1907. It is in fine condition for a hunting rifle of some age. It has what some of the old timers refer to as Gun Crank which is a term used to denote a firearm that is well used but also well cared for. In other words it ...