Articles for category: Recreation

Karla News

How to Remove a Fish Hook from an Impaled Fisherman

While fishing with friends on Utah’s Green River recently, I suffered the fate that all fishermen dread. I impaled myself with a fish hook. I was fishing with a lure armed with two large treble hooks, and, because of a careless maneuver, I buried one prong of the rear treble hook deep in my own ...

Karla News

Campfire Songs, from Popular to Timeless

I went from Tiger Cubs, to Cub Scouts, to Webelos, to being a Boy Scout. I’ve heard and sung a lot of campfire songs. What makes a good campfire song, not to mention one of the Top 10 Campfire Songs? A campfire song should be amusing, easy to learn, and easy to sing. Some will ...

Karla News

Techniques and Tips for Rabbit Hunting Without a Dog

There are few hunting activities that can compare to rabbit hunting. Unlike most hunting, it is not overly important for you to be quiet. Plus rabbit hunting is generally better with a friend or two or more. Hunting for rabbits allows for a lot of time to socialize, talk, and have a good time followed ...

Karla News

Top 10 Ways People Cheat on the Golf Course

10. The Mumble. This usually occurs when you are keeping score, and your opponent makes something higher than double bogey. You ask ‘What did you have there?” Your opponent mumbles, combining “I don’t know, seven” into one syllable. But that syllable is a lie. Your opponent is fully aware that he scored an eight or ...

Karla News

How to Make Your Own MRE Rations

The US military introduced the Meal-Ready-to-Eat, or MRE as the new standard ration system in 1981. While they have seen steady and regular development since then, with evolving changes in the entrees and other items, the system itself and purpose has remained the same: providing a lightweight, preserved meal based on dried foods, complete with ...

Karla News

Head Big Easy SP 100 Skis

Finally there are short skis for the adult beginner! Or maybe they are big snowblades for adult beginners, but whatever you call them, the Head Big Easy SP 100s are the best equipment for learning how to ski since the step-in release binding was invented in the 1950s. They almost have training wheels on them. ...

Karla News

Cold Steel 12″ Barong Machete Review

When I first received the knife, I was very impressed. I noticed it had an edge on the spine of the blade going half way up. I think the philosophy of use for this is facing more towards combat than a machete. The edge on the blade was not pleasing, it could barely make a ...

Karla News

When is the Best Time to Go Fishing?

I have been attempting to catch fish for more than two decades and have spent a ton of time fishing for almost every species of freshwater fish and it seems to me that one question gets asked above all others when it comes to “fishing” and that question is when is the best time to ...

Karla News

A General Guide to Mountain Bike Suspension Terms and Set-up

Today’s mountain bikes are potpourris of technology. Nowhere is this more evident than in the suspension department. While many riders find themselves lusting after the most feature-rich forks and shocks available, not nearly as many understand exactly how much control they have over the way the suspension performs or how it’s performance can affect handling. ...

Karla News

Fishermen’s Clothing Essentials

Almost every good fisherman knows that in order to fish properly, you must be dressed for the conditions you are in. For example, fly fishermen need rubber pants so that the water doesn’t wet their clothes and weigh them down, and deep-sea fishermen know to dress for warm weather because they are in the sun ...