Articles for category: Humor

Karla News

Primer of Southern Sayings

From the get-go first time visitors to the Deep South region of the United States may walk away from their initial conversation with a native southerner scratching their heads. As a born and bred southerner I know what is meant when someone says ‘that dog won’t hunt,’ or “a day late and a dollar short.’ ...

Karla News

Five Jokes Explained: Why is it Funny?

Humor. It’s funny. But WHY is it funny? One form of humor is jokes. What makes a joke funny? Let’s look at some funny jokes: Let’s start with a very short joke for Joke number 1 A guy walks into a bar and says “Ouch!” Why is this joke funny? The poor guy hurt himself, ...

Karla News

Weird Holidays to Celebrate in September

Everybody loves weird unusual little facts and tid bits, so why not some weird and unusual holidays to celebrate in September to brighten each and every day of the month…and in some cases to depress us. Either way though, holidays are always fun to celebrate, so I decided to compile the list of unusual holidays ...

Karla News

How to Create Your Own Nickname

Have you always wanted a catchy, noticeable yet unique nickname that would suit you and only you? Well, here are a few tips to helping you achieve the perfect nickname. To start off with, pick a theme you want your nickname to be about. For instance, if you like astronomy, then your name could possibly ...

Karla News

The Day of the Dead Cat

Yesterday was a brutal day. On my way out to the gym, about 8 AM, I discovered a frozen dead cat near the end of my driveway. With the help of my neighbor, I was able to get the poor departed pet into a plastic bag which I then temporarily stored on the side of ...

Karla News

The Origins of Chapstick

Millions of people around the world suffer from chapped lips, and Chapstick is what many use to lubricate their lips, to soften and moisturize the skin, and to prevent the painful cracking that accompanies dry lips. But did you know the history of Chapstick and where the product Chapstick came from? I didn’t either, until ...

Karla News

Hilarious Irish Drinking Jokes

Here are some hilarious Irish drinking jokes that I heard over the years. Enjoy! Happy St. Patrick’s Day or Whatever Day it is! I saved the best one for last. ____________________ An Irish priest is driving down a highway and is pulled over for speeding. The policeman smells alcohol on the priest’s breath and then ...

Karla News

Weird Holidays to Celebrate in July

We all know that July 4th is Independence Day, but many people are unaware that each day of the week in July, there is a holiday that they most likely do not know about. From the 1st to the 31st, there is a holiday, and here is a list of the holidays that are not ...

Karla News

Top 10 Practical Jokes for the Office

When I worked in an office I couldn’t have been more bored. The days were slow, usually quiet (except for the ringing of the phones) and nobody was laughing. I decided to change that and make our office space a little less like the movie Office Space. I’ve given a list of ten practical jokes, ...

Karla News

Top Ten Larry King Interviews

Larry King recently handed in his towel after 25 years of CNN carrying his popular television show, Larry King Live, where he would sit down and ask a variety of famous, and sometimes infamous, guests their viewpoints. Though Larry King was born before the modern printing press was invented, he did use Twitter to break ...