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How to Create Your Own Nickname

Starry Night

Have you always wanted a catchy, noticeable yet unique nickname that would suit you and only you? Well, here are a few tips to helping you achieve the perfect nickname.

To start off with, pick a theme you want your nickname to be about. For instance, if you like astronomy, then your name could possibly relate to a starry night. It could even be “The Starry Night” but that would be kind of… let’s say, more of a name for an object rather a human, wouldn’t you think? But maybe that’s just one person’s aspect. Someone else could totally see it in a different way.

Which leads onto the next thing to talk about. When thinking of nicknames, pick one that stands out more than the common crowd. It’s just like picking the right title for a song, album, or band. Too normal or bland would lead to not many fans or people having an interest. They’d just think you were a normal person, or a weird one, in this situation.

Consider the view point of time. Don’t choose a nickname that wouldn’t stick. An example is when you call yourself an adjective while tomorrow you may be everything but that one adjective. Then all the nickname would do is confuse everyone. It should be memorable and durable through time.

If you have absolutely no idea what to name yourself, but hate your current name, then you could go with luck and randomization. What my friends do is usually take one letter out of their name, scramble it, then add one letter of their choice in any order of the scrambled name. This brings a unique touch to your scrambled name. Most people won’t recognize the difference between your present and old name. But if your first name is apparently very short and not long enough to scramble into something that would sound good, then I suggest using your last name, or a long word of your choice.

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Usually, adding “The” before your name makes it sound even cooler than it was. For instance, if I were to say my nickname was “Liza”, it would have more flare if known as “The Liza.” Also, if you would like to add a sarcastic tone to your nickname, adding “of Death” or “of Doom” or “of Doom and Destruction” would make it seemingly more humorous. Or, if you wanted to be serious….. (“Beware! I am The Liza of Doom and Destruction”).

Another tip for choosing random nicknames is acronyms or alliterations. “Lucky Liza” and “Lamb Is Zesty Always” are real examples for nicknames. Another option (there are billions, but I’m just naming a few) is to spell your name backwards. Azil sounds way cooler than Liza, don’t you think? Unless if you think Liza is already really cool…

One effect is to emphasize your consonants when pronouncing names. It makes them sound more realistic than just merely stating that your nickname is “Lamb Is Zesty Always”. You could gasp and pause and keep one in suspense for a few suspense. Here is a written out example:

(takes a deep breath) LAMB… (pause) (French accent) is zest-ahy (another pause) (whisper) always!”

So the next time you wish to change your name to an absurdly crazy yet awesome nickname, refer to this guide for help and tips, if needed.