Articles for category: HEALTH & WELLNESS

Karla News

10 Reasons Why You Should Quit Drinking

Moderate alcohol consumption has been shown to have some health benefits, particularly if you enjoy the occasional glass of red wine. However, when moderate drinking becomes alcohol abuse or if you think you have developed a drinking problem, perhaps it’s time to quit. If you’ve been wondering if you should quit drinking, consider these 10 ...

Karla News

Aventurine Healing Gemstone

Aventurine is a pretty variety of quartz that comes in shades of green, blue, peach, red, white and brown. The shiny gemstone also displays aventurescence with sparkles from inclusions of mica or hematite. It is considered a good luck charm and a general healing stone, providing protection from EMF and negativity. Aventurine’s name comes from ...

Karla News

Ovarian Cyst Symptoms

As an acupuncturist specializing in women’s health and fertility, I see women regularly who are concerned about ovarian cysts. An ovarian cyst is a small fluid-filled sac that develops on one or both of your ovaries. These growths are generally harmless and cause few problems for most women. Occasionally, however, ovarian cysts may cause pain, ...

Karla News

Statistics Indicate MADD’s Mad at the Wrong Drivers

It doesn’t matter if you’re a water buffalo, canary, house pet or person, chances are favorable that you are aware of the use of statistics in our lives. Whether you’re being born, voting, living, or dying you are personally involved with statistics. I was forced to take (and pass) a Statistics class prior to receiving ...

Karla News

Physical Therapy for Calf Strain

Physical therapy can help you with your calf strain. A calf strain is an injury to any of your calf muscles-the muscles located at the back of your leg. It can be due to overstretching or tearing of the muscle. Sometimes, it can be caused by prolonged or repetitive use of your calf muscles. Physical ...

Karla News

Causes and Symptoms of Vitamin A Overdose Toxicity

Vitamin A is a fat soluble compound, which means it is stored by the body, mainly in the liver. Because of this, eating the functional form of vitamin A from meat can cause overdose and toxicity. Vitamin A toxicity is very rare, however, mainly because the majority of vitamin A in our diets comes from ...

Karla News

The Etiology of Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa was first described more than 300 years ago, in 1689, by Richard Morton as a condition of ‘a nervous consumption’ caused by ‘sadness and anxious cares’.[i] Today, this medical condition describes an eating disorder characterized by extremely low weight, a distorted body image, and an intense fear of gaining weight. Statistically, 90-95% of ...

Karla News

How to Take a Bucket Bath

I never thought I’d say this, but knowing how to take a bucket bath can be a great skill that comes in handy when you’d least expect it. Obviously, if you have a heating or plumbing emergency, knowing how to take a bucket bath can be useful. But bucket baths can also be useful if ...

Karla News

Folic Acid Uses, Benefits, and Risks

Folic acid is most known as part of prenatal vitamins for pregnant women. It may not be as recognized for its usefulness in other health conditions. For example, this writer uses folic acid under doctor recommendation, to help stop the side effect of hair loss from the arthritis drug, methotrexate. Uses and Benefits Folic acid ...

Karla News

How to Reduce Mental Fatigue

Everyone has some degree of mental fatigue especially by the end of the day. However there are some people who have an extreme form of mental fatigue that can start from the time they get out of bed. Mental fatigue often stems from stress. Feelings of stress related to work, intimate relationships, health, life responsibilities, ...