Articles for category: HEALTH & WELLNESS

Four Ways to Relieve Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion is often called a ‘runny nose’, and it can be very uncomfortable. It can be just a brother or cause breathing difficulties. When deciding how to treat your congestion it is important to determine why you are experiencing this condition. Many things such as a cold, the flu, or allergies can cause nasal ...

I Can’t Live Without My Motrin Ibuprofen

Menstrual cramps are and have been in the past a major pain in my life and Ibuprofen is definitely a pain reliever I could not live without. Although, I am not a fan of taking a lot of medications I have to keep a stash of Motrin IB with me during that special time. My ...

What is a Pterygium and How is it Treated?

Often people who work outdoors will look into the mirror to find a small area on their eye, towards their nose, that looks like a thick, often yellow tinted, area of tissue. Most of the time this is a begin area of growth called pterygium, but what exactly is a pterygium? What is a pterygium? ...

Why Everyone Should Get CPR Certified

Every day there are stories about somebody keeling over from a sudden heart attack, a child choking on a small object, or somebody passing out in a heated environment. What would you do if this happened right in front of you? How would you respond, especially as a lay person who has no experience in ...

Therapeutic Benefits of Art Therapy

Are you feeling depressed, anxious, and angry or have some other feeling that is consuming your happiness for life? If you answered, “yes” then art therapy could be just what you need to work through those feelings and resolve burdening issues. To help understand the benefits of art therapy and what a typical art therapy ...

DIY: Sun Dried Tomatoes You Can Make at Home

Don’t kid yourself, health food and specialty stores are out to make a buck and they are raking in plenty by selling you sun dried tomatoes! You may already know that sun dried tomatoes are high in antioxidants, namely Vitamin A & C that may lower the risk for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes; and ...

Nicotine: Why It’s so Hard to Quit Smoking

When I was eight years old I swore I would never smoke. My mom smoked and I always urged her to quit. She never did. I went back on my word about six years later and had my first cigarette. I believe I was fourteen and I remember quite clearly my friend handing me the ...

Lesser Known Pregnancy Symptoms

When a woman becomes pregnant one of the first steps is to research all the symptoms that one may experience. There a vast amount of resources both online and offline available that describes the most common symptoms of pregnancy. More difficult to find are the more obscure symptoms that woman experience. This article will help ...

How to Combat Boredom

For some people, there is nothing worse than being bored. In an increasingly hectic world with varying lifestyles, boredom is indeed still present in most people’s lives and can account for some negative behaviors, like unnecessary spending, binge eating or hours in front of the television, to name a few. But boredom doesn’t have to ...

The GenoType Diet Review

The premise of The GenoType Diet is that we can change the effect that our genetic make-up has on our health and weight. Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo divides people into six body types according to their genetic make-up. The GenoType Diet plans are then formulated based on a person’s genotype. Deciding which of three Genotype ...