Articles for category: HEALTH & WELLNESS

Farm Rich Breaded Cheese Sticks

Health Certain aspects of Farm Rich Breaded Cheese Sticks are comparatively healthier than other brands of frozen mozzarella sticks. When purchasing this dairy food product, I noticed that they did not have any Trans fat. That was good to know but Farm Rich Breaded Cheese Sticks do contain a lot of saturated fat. The 3.5 ...

Shy Bladder Remedies

If you suffer from shy bladder, or Paruresis as it’s known in the medical field, then you already know what a hassle it can be. No, scratch that. You already know what a hassle it IS. Not being able to go to the bathroom WHEN and WHERE you want is debilitating, it’s embarrassing, and it’s ...

Ten Terrific Triathlons in Minnesota

Triathlons have become popular in the state of Minnesota during the past two decades. The abundance of lakes provides a large number of sites for triathlons. Cold weather limits the outdoor races to a few short months each summer but the quality of these races makes up for the lack in quantity. Here are 10 ...

How to Stop Picking Your Nose

Let’s be honest. Chances are, you’ve picked your nose. A study performed in 1995 reported that 91 percent of 254 respondents admitted to being nose pickers. This can range from the occasional probing wipe of the thumb to ‘gold digging,’ and frequency can be every couple days to once every hour. The only severe dangers ...

The Health Benefits of Apple Bark Tea

One of my favorite herbs to use for creating a medicinal tea for healing digestive aliments is apple bark. Apple bark contains a healing agent in it known as phlorizin, which is a type of antioxidant that acts as a tonic, stimulant, pain reducer and anti-inflammatory in the body. In fact, apple bark is one ...

Chronic Pain and Insomnia – a Conundrum

One of the more frustrating accompaniments to chronic pain is insomnia. When a person is suffering severe pain it is generally difficult to sleep at night. Despite pain medications, chronic pain very often continues to “break through” the relief that is provided by the medications. It is often a misunderstood concept about continuing pain despite ...

Social Phobia: Symptoms & Treatment

Do you frequently avoid social situations and have fears about how others will see? When you are in social situations do you have a fast heart rate and sweat profusely? If so you could have a condition called, Social Phobia. To help understand what the symptoms of Social Phobia is and what type of help ...

Watch Your Step – Rattlesnake Safety Tips for Outdoor Adventurers

Spending summer months in the great outdoors often means dealing with rattlesnakes. Rattlesnakes roam across several states, from coastal to mountain ranges. Many western states are afflicted by this poisonous creature include California, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico. In California alone, 800 residents are bitten each year and about two end up dying from their ...

Coping When Parents Have a Stillbirth

As a parent you feel you need to protect your baby even before it is born. Losing a baby can be one of the hardest deaths to deal with. Remember women and men grief differently. Mothers may go through a period of blaming yourself or your body. Fathers may want to go back to work ...

What Causes Leg Numbness?

Leg numbness, or the sensation which occurs when the leg “falls asleep,” can be very uncomfortable. If the leg goes numb frequently, it is likely due to a medical condition. Here are some of the potential causes of leg numbness. Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) DVT occurs when a blood clot is formed in a deep ...