Articles for category: HEALTH & WELLNESS

Risk Factors for Aortic Dissection

Aortic dissection is a rare though life threatening medical condition in which a tear develops in the inner layer of the aorta. As blood flows through the tear and into the middle layer of the vessel, the layers begin to separate, or dissect. A rupture can then occur, causing blood to spill outside of the ...

How Caffeine Effects Your Body

Being a full-time college student and often working full-time plus not living with my parents has made caffeine a very beneficial ingredient in my life, but that changed in 2003. I had always been told to stay away from caffeine when I had bladder or kidney infections and did. But what I didn’t know was ...

8 Variations for the Standard Lunge

The lunge is a staple leg exercise that mainly targets the quadriceps, but also hits the hamstrings and glutes. The basic lunge is performed by holding either dumbells at your sides or with a bar across your upper back, and stepping forward and lowering one leg so that the front knee is bent 90 degrees. ...

Order Your Own Lab Tests

Have you ever wished you could order your own lab tests? It is a little-known fact that individuals are able to order lab tests without a prescription from their doctor. Unless you live in New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Massachusetts or Rhode Island, you can order medical lab tests from Private MD Labs or other ...

The Benefits of Natto in Supporting Heart Health: A Soy-based Fermented Food that Looks and Tastes a Little like Cheese

There’s a specialized enzyme in natto call nattokinase that’s shown promise for supporting healthy circulation. It was also found to support the body’s normal blood-clotting mechanisms, which could be curcial to preventing blood clots and strokes. In a recent visit to my naturopathic health practioner, I overheard a conversation about why one particular individual was ...

How Vitamin B2 Can Help Ease Migraines

If you suffer from migraines, there is some good news for you. This good news comes in the form of riboflavin, otherwise known as Vitamin B2. Taking regular doses of Vitamin B2 is believed to reduce migraine episodes as well as lessen their occurrence. Riboflavin Riboflavin is just one of the eight B complex vitamins ...

Four Ways to Relieve Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion is often called a ‘runny nose’, and it can be very uncomfortable. It can be just a brother or cause breathing difficulties. When deciding how to treat your congestion it is important to determine why you are experiencing this condition. Many things such as a cold, the flu, or allergies can cause nasal ...

I Can’t Live Without My Motrin Ibuprofen

Menstrual cramps are and have been in the past a major pain in my life and Ibuprofen is definitely a pain reliever I could not live without. Although, I am not a fan of taking a lot of medications I have to keep a stash of Motrin IB with me during that special time. My ...

What is a Pterygium and How is it Treated?

Often people who work outdoors will look into the mirror to find a small area on their eye, towards their nose, that looks like a thick, often yellow tinted, area of tissue. Most of the time this is a begin area of growth called pterygium, but what exactly is a pterygium? What is a pterygium? ...

Why Everyone Should Get CPR Certified

Every day there are stories about somebody keeling over from a sudden heart attack, a child choking on a small object, or somebody passing out in a heated environment. What would you do if this happened right in front of you? How would you respond, especially as a lay person who has no experience in ...