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Budget Food Ideas for a Baby Shower

Budget Food, Hosting a Baby Shower, Italian Beef

Many people go all out when hosting a baby shower, and they hold their gift-giving occasions in restaurant banquet rooms. This is ideal if money is not an issue, especially when someone else is paid to clean up the mess. However, it is not necessary to provide expensive food on fine china served by professional waiters and waitresses when hosting a baby shower. Budget high-quality food can be just as appealing and tasty when served on folding tables. The following budget food ideas for a baby shower can make the celebration a big success, and for far less than ever imagined.

Host a Potluck Baby Shower

When family and friends are close, why not host a potluck baby shower when striving to stay on budget? Stick to a baby shower food budget by asking friends and family to bring a dish or two. Provide the main course, and have close friends and family bring side dishes, desserts, and other food to the baby shower. Chances are they will not mind chipping in, and baby shower guests will have numerous desserts, side dishes, and food to choose from.

Serve Wholesale Club Italian Beef

Prepared Italian beef from the grocery store is not a wise choice when trying to stick to a baby shower food budget. However, ready-to-heat Italian beef is generally more affordable when it comes from a wholesale club. When striving to stick to a baby shower food budget, take the time to shop around and compare prices when hosting a baby shower. The savings on baby shower food and party supplies could warrant signing up at a local Sam’s Club or Costco. A single trip to a wholesale club could easily pay for the cost of membership.

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Grocery Store Chicken Bargains

When planning a baby shower on a budget, consider serving ready-made fried chicken from a local grocery store. The price of a large amount of grocery store fried chicken is far less costly than many people realize and easier to serve than other types of hot food. Place an order in advance, and pick up the food shortly before the baby shower begins. This budget baby shower food will be hot and delicious and far less expensive than a catered meal.

Serve a Wholesale Club Decorated Sheet Cake

Compare prices on decorated sheet cakes at a local bakery, grocery store, and a wholesale club. More than likely a decorated sheet cake from the wholesale club will cost considerably less than any other professional source, and it will look just as impressive at a baby shower. Those sticking to a baby shower food budget could not make and decorate a sheet cake for less than the cost of a wholesale club cake.

Budget Crock Pot Sloppy Joes

One of the best main meal food choices for a crowd is sloppy Joe sandwiches, and a crock pot is the ideal method of preparation. The crock pot will keep the food hot and safe to eat. The ground meat mixture goes a long way since it does not take much to fill a bun. When sticking to a baby shower food budget, shop around for lean ground beef and consider making the sandwiches with a beef and ground turkey mixture to further cut the cost. Stay on a baby shower food budget by purchasing buns from a bakery outlet or wholesale club, and serve the sandwiches with American cheese slices on the side.

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I have attended many baby showers at expensive restaurants as well as budget potluck baby showers in church halls. The restaurant baby showers were meant to impress, but I was far more impressed by the outpouring of love, friendship, and most of all the food served on a budget. The homemade food and grocery store chicken was usually far better than the typical overpriced boneless chicken topped with gravy, mashed potatoes, and a side dishes of underdone restaurant green beans.