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Body Systems Lesson Plan: Grades 3 – 5

Objective(s): The student will identify seven different body systems and their functions.
Materials Needed: crayons, large manila paper, pencils, scissors, science book, vocabulary transparencies
Technology Needed: overhead projector

Before beginning the lesson:

Review the vocabulary associated with body systems, using the transparencies on the overhead

Call on various students to answer questions about the seven body systems (circulatory, nervous, digestive, integumentary, respiratory, skeletal, muscular):

-What is the purpose of this body system?
-What are the organs involved in the system?
-What function does each organ perform?

The student will create a foldable with seven flaps, each flap illustrating a different body function. Inside each flap, the student will write and answer each of these three questions about that particular system.

Beginning the lesson:

“Today we are going to make a foldable to help you remember what each body system does, and what organs are involved in each. This will help you remember which system is which, and what the different organs’ jobs are in each system.”

2. Development
“I want you to take your sheet of manila paper and fold it in half, hot dog style. Then, you are going to cut the top layer of the foldable into seven equal pieces, like this. You need to label each flap with the name of a body system – I’ll write them on the board for you so you know how to spell them – muscular, skeletal, nervous, integumentary, respiratory, circulatory, and digestive. On each flap, under the name of the system, you are going to illustrate the system. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just do the best you can! Then, inside the flap for each system, you are going to write down these 3 questions: What is the purpose of this system? What organs are involved? What function does each organ perform? You need to answer these 3 questions about every system. Put it into the simplest terms you can. The purpose of the system means what job that system does for your body. List the organs or body parts that belong in that system. Then write what job each organ performs in the system. Use your science book to help you.”

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3. Closing
Have the students turn in their foldables, then ask one student at a time to answer one of the three questions about each system.

Assessment after the lesson:
Students should have a completed foldable with all three questions answered correctly for each of the seven body systems. Grade each foldable accordingly.


1.Students who did not meet this objective will be asked to re-do their foldable, with teacher assistance, in a small group setting.
2.All students will continue to review body systems for the next 2 weeks.

Extension and Modifications:
Students of more advanced abilities may choose to include more body systems in their foldable, such as the lymphatic or reproductive systems.

Special education students may work in pairs to complete the assignment. They may also choose only four of the systems to write about, instead of all seven.