Articles for tag: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Online Resume, Oral Presentation, Student Writing

Karla News

How to Write an Award-Winning Book Report

Why do teachers assign book reports? Having taught high school English, I can reveal the secret here. The real reason teachers require students to write book reports is this: We want to know if you have actually read the books we have asked you to read! From elementary school through university-level literature courses, the purpose ...

Karla News

How to Avoid Accidental Plagiarism

College students often ignore warnings about plagiarism because they believe that it doesn’t concern them. They view plagiarism as some obscure academic crime committed by devious plotters who go to great lengths to create fake documents–or, more commonly, if they do know what it is, they believe they can get away with it. If you ...

Karla News

25+ Classroom Materials to Recycle for a New Use

Recycling and environmentalism are key components of most curriculum in school. In homes, day cares and home schools, we talk recycling. Yet so often we don’t walk the talk we preach. Schools and learning environments are a great place to begin demonstrating good environmental habits. And it isn’t difficult once some basic habits are in ...