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Benefits of Red Foods

Antioxidants, Fiber Foods, Red Peppers, Vitamin C

Many people don’t think that the color of their food makes a difference and try to go for the high protein or high fiber foods, but color does make a big difference. Mother nature added more to natural foods than just their colors. Different color categories supply different nutrients and vitamins our bodies greatly need. So far we have looked at the benefits of black foods and yellow foods, now it’s time for red. Like many of the other colors red foods have a high content of antioxidants which can help with cancers and other diseases like Alzheimer’s. One of the better nutrients in red foods are the high content of Lycopene, which can help reduce risks of prostate cancer and help prevent lung, stomach, and breast cancers as well.

Red Peppers

Many people don’t like the tangy taste of peppers, but red peppers (as well as the other colored peppers) hold many health benefits. According to the journal of Cancer Research the Capsaicin found in red peppers has been found to reduce the spread of prostate cancer. Red peppers also contain a high amount of Vitamin C. Other vitamins are best absorbed when eaten with an oily food like peppers. Red peppers also have a sweeter taste than their cousin, the green pepper.


It was thought by the ancient Greeks that the color of the beets was related to their benefits for your blood. Beets are in fact a blood building herb which renews the blood with the minerals and vitamins it needs, such as the iron. Beets are low in fat, and contain calcium, iron, folic acid, sodium, and so much more. You can get a daily dose of vitamins and minerals with just one cup of beets. Cancer patients can eat a cup of beets to help their counts for red blood cells, probably not but much, but it may help.

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If you eat radishes fresh as opposed to cooking them, they have a higher content of vitamin C. They have also been known to have benefits for liver disorders and again help protect one from cancer (doesn’t prevent, but can help protect one from it). They are a great source for folic acid and potassium.


This heart shaped fruit, not only contains a good quantity of vitamin C and antioxidants like many of the other red foods, but they also contain a good level of B vitamins and magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids. This bright red fruit can add to your sweet and sugary taste buds better than the sweetest of candies. Strawberries also contain a rare nutrient: phytonutrients which promotes good health.


Another wonderful fruit to have in your diet is cherries. Cherries can help with losing weight by being low in fat, calories and high in water which can boost your energy levels. Cherries have anti-inflammatory properties which can help reduce the pain one may feel at times. Tart cherries have the highest level of antioxidants a fruit can have.

Different colored foods can enhance our health by simply combining them within our diets. Many vegetables work wonders in a salad, others work great in soups and stew and as side dishes with meats and rices. There are many different ways you can incorporate colored foods into your diet, like fruits as a dessert instead of ice cream or pie. As always talk to you doctor about the nutritional values of foods you can and cannot add to your personal diet.