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A Will Ferrell Biography

Alex Trebek, Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell was born in Irvine, California on July 16, 1967. His mother Kay is a teacher and his father Lee was a keyboard musician for the Righteous Brothers. He has a brother named Patrick born in 1970. He grew up in Orange County and graduated from University High School. After High School he attended U.S.C. While in acting classes he met his future wife Swedish actress Viveca Paulin. They have one son and are expecting another child.

Will Ferrell got its start in regular appearances on Saturday Night Live. He was a cast member on the show from 1995 to 2000. His impressions and comedic takes on George W. Bush, Harry Caray, Neil Diamond, Alex Trebek and Senator Ted Kennedy are examples of his talent.

His sketch on George W. Bush’s speech on “Global Warmings,” filmed supposedly at the Crawford Ranch is pure genius. He explains in George W. Bush lingo that the earth’s crust is warming causing lava flows. He explains his concern in a deep way. He grabs a pop up book for kids which he believes is a hard science book. His refers to biblical stories of Adam and Eve and concludes they drove an Excursion. He concludes with the present score of the Rangers game and hurriedly cuts the interview on the important topic. This is Will Ferrell at his best.

Will Ferrell is sometimes referred to as a member of the inner circle of comedic stars of today. Other fraternity members include Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Steve Carrell and Vince Vaughn. This group of comedy specialists are PG rated. Their humor is the combined genius of the likes of Jack Benny, Abbott and Costello, Bob Hope and the best of Vaudeville catapulted into the 21st century. Some refer to this type of comedic humor as deadpan. It is sight gags and tight delivery that withstand the test of time.

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Will Ferrell’s film career include roles in Zoolander, Austin Powers, Old School and a variety of supporting cast appearances. He has been nominated several times for these roles. His big starring role in Anchorman, The Legend of Ron Burgundy in 2004 cemented his footsteps in both writing and performing comedy. Cast in the character Ron Burgundy, a personally conflicted young old schooler anchorman in the 1970s. The feigned hip San Diego news station is a comedic take on the historical evolution of the prime time local news stations of the era.

Ron Burgundy and his co-anchors are transplanted Californians who like the ancient reptiles are struggling against the introduction of the “Bubble Headed Bleach Blonde,” who in reality is a very savvy and bright young woman who coincidentally becomes the object of Ron Burgundy’s love interests. The Anchorman will go down as the funniest comedy of all times on the prime time local news station’s struggle for ratings. The hip delivery of news crafted as a side dish at the dinner table of towns and cities across the U.S.

Will Ferrell’s performance in Wedding Crashers was another great example of his ability to show the lighter side of the American dream. His remake of Bewitched was a fun and entertaining show. Talladega Nights, The Ballad of Ricky Bob was written and starred in by Will Ferrell. His hilarious and sincere portrayal of the fictitious legendary race car star and industry is part true which all comedy must have and pushed to the limits for effect. The film is a fun and entertaining portrayal of another American past time.

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Currently, Will is starring in Stranger Than Fiction and in Blades of Glory. He has other films that are in production or scheduled for production until the year 2008. He is a much sought after actor and has been named by Forbes Magazine in 2005 as a best paid actor receiving 40 million dollars for his films.


  • Wikipedia Saturday Night Live video