Karla News

A Review of Babies R Us Baby Registry

Babies R Us, Baby Registry

I was so excited to find out I was pregnant, that I practically ran to Babies R Us to create a baby registry. It requested typical information like my name, due date, father’s name, and even offers you the option to add the grandparents names.

I registered for about twenty items in the store, but preferred to add things online, where I would be able to read reviews on the products, that were written by other parents. It also allowed to to read all the information on a given item and compare pricing.

Initially, I really liked the Babies R Us Baby Registry. I had a friend who was pregnant at the same time as I was. I purchased an item off her registry to give her at her shower. Suddenly, I began getting emails for my friend, addressed to her, about the items that were being purchased from her registry.

One afternoon I went onto the online registry to add some items, logged on and opened up my registry. All my items were missing, and items that weren’t mine were on the page. I checked the information and it was not my info with my husband’s but some woman in Florida. My color scheme is mint green and chocolate brown. Her’s was turquoise and hot pink. For the next four days, whenever I logged on this woman’s registry came up.
I called the 800 number and customer service fixed it for me. while changing my password. The customer service representative suggested that I go to the store, where I originally registered and re-register all the items I had place on the registry. I stated I would not be doing that as I had moved and was forty-five minutes away from the store I had originally registered. I also told the rep that I was not going to re-register the hundred or so items again. It took a long time to do it originally, and I shouldn’t have to start from scratch.

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The following day I tried to log on only to find my password no longer worked at all and I had begun to get the woman in Florida’s registry emails, with all her personal information. I called customer service again and spoke to another representative. The woman on the phone was lovely and very helpful. She once again reset my password. It was fixed for about three days.

From then on, it was hit or miss if people using the registry would see my items. At times the entire registry came up empty. Other times, it showed the couple in Florida’s items, and rarely my own items. I called and filed a complaint.

Because of this debacle, I wound up finding out when my baby shower was. Luckily, most of my friends knew that the items showing up were not my taste and didn’t buy them. But, because of this, I didn’t get a majority of the items I actually needed, such as a stroller, diaper bag, car seat, etc. I received oodles of adorable clothes, but not the major items you need for a baby.

In the end, a Babies R Us supervisor called me to discuss what had happened. He sent me a gift certificate for ten dollars for my trouble. Needless to say, I was unimpressed and cannot in good conscious recommend Babies R Us Baby Registry. Ten dollars didn’t cover all the aggravation I had to deal with, and items I had to run out and purchase last minute.

I was sorely disappointed with the Babies R Us Baby Registry. It seems as though no one had any answers regarding the issue and though people tried to be helpful, it didn’t straighten out the problem at hand.