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Midwife VS OB/GYN: Which is Better for Prenatal Care?

Gynecologist, Midwife, Prenatal Care

Many women struggle with the decision of choosing either an OBGYN doctor or a midwife. These women are surrounded by stereotypes, good and bad experiences from other women, and a few good old know-it-alls. What follows is a list of the top ten statements that you may hear from both sides of this controversy.

In this corner we have: Choose your Gynecologist

It is considered traditional to choose your gynecologist to attend to your prenatal care and deliver your precious new gift of life.

Your gynecologist really knows your personal areas.

Your gynecologist is a doctor and if the need should arise for a c-section or another unfortunate emergency, he or she is right there in the room.

If you have had the same gynecologist for many years, you may feel a personal bond with them.

Midwifery is witchery.

Midwifes are very out of date, and on the other hand, they are very new to our advanced ways of medicine.

A midwife is not a doctor. They cannot perform emergency procedures when the time comes.

Midwifes are too “hippy” and I would prefer to just get my epidural right away.

I want a prescription and a midwife might not be able to, or want to, get me one.

A midwife just doesn’t have the same training as a doctor.

And in this corner we have: Chose A Midwife

A midwife is more into natural treatments versus pharmaceuticals which is better for you and baby.

A midwife is available to stay in the labor and delivery room, whereas a doctor has to leave a lot and sometimes isn’t even present for beginning labor.

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Most midwifes work directly under a certified doctor.

Midwifes have specific training for women’s prenatal and postnatal care.

Midwifes prefer to work on a birthing plan with the mother.

Midwifes tend to be warmer and friendlier than most OB doctors.

Doctors can be cold and impersonal.

If and when the time comes for a medical procedure that can only be performed by a doctor, the hospital is full of them and they can come running if need be. They have seen hundreds of women’s personal areas and yours isn’t that different.

Midwifes have more time to spend with you during prenatal care and in delivery.

A midwife will try very hard to keep a C-section out of the plan even with a VBAC.

Labor and Delivery with a midwife is far more peaceful.

Even after hearing the top ten statements from both sides of the debate, it is a difficult decision. You can’t really tell which ones are fact and which statements come from pure past experience of others. It is a decision that every woman has to make for herself based on her beliefs, her desires, and her personal wants and needs in medical care. Some women are lucky to have found an OB/GYN doctor that they love and wouldn’t dream of letting anyone else take a medical stance on their female parts. Some women prefer the typical midwife approach to prenatal care and labor and delivery. Just as there are doctors out there with terrible bed side manner, there are midwifes out there with the same down fall. Some doctors have less time for their patients and there are midwifes paddling that same boat. Some midwifes avoid all prescription drugs and medical procedures when they can and others follow the doctors orders to the letter. It really does depend on the individual doctor or midwife.

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Here is a piece of advice for all women planning to become pregnant or who are already pregnant, do your research. Look up different doctors and midwifes in your area. You can ask your friends what they think, but remember that you are getting a biased opinion based on their personal experience. Even so, they can give you a great lead on who to look into and who to not look into. Most doctors and midwifes will allow you to schedule an appointment to simply meet them and talk about what you want from your prenatal and postnatal care. Parents are advised all the time to research a good pediatrician for their babies, why not start that great care while they are still in the womb. Take a beginning birthing plan with you to the first meeting and make sure that the doctor or midwife can accommodate your desires with the hospital that they work with. When you feel comfortable with a doctor or midwife and their practice, then you will know which professional you will choose.