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Treat Cold Symptoms Naturally – 10 Tips that Work

Cold Symptoms, Sinuses

Treat your cold symptoms naturally with these simple tips. There is no cure for the common cold but these natural treatments can relieve your symptoms. Why suffer needlessly or take medications that do more harm than good? You can treat your symptoms naturally for little or no cost. As a mother of 3 and grandmother of 4, this is my best non-professional advice.

1. A little rest and relaxation can be the best natural treatment.

Take it easy. Put your feet up. Wrap yourself in a nice warm blanket. Take a nap. Let your immune system work on getting you better. If you’re sleeping, it has nothing else to work on.

2. Drinking lots of fluids is a versatile treatment.

It helps with just about every illness. Drink plenty of hot liquids. Hot liquids like tea can sooth your throat, open up your sinuses and prevent dehydration, naturally.

3.Treat your nose with a naturally healthy respect.

Blow your nose often to clear out the mucus. Cover one nostril at a time while gently bowing out the other. Blowing too hard can cause pressure on your eardrums, giving you an earache. It can also cause inflammation and strain on your nasal passages.

4. Naturally soothing gargles are great for pain relief.

If your cold is accompanied by a sore throat, gargling with salt water can bring down the swelling and soothe the pain. Honey and lemon in warm water soothes and disinfects. Garlic seeped in olive oil has natural antibiotic properties.

5. Lung congestion can be treated simply with a nice hot shower.

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Showers relax you. They ease congestion, making it easier to breathe. If you’re too sick to shower, just sitting in the steamy bathroom with the water running will help.

6. Use a nice soft extra pillow to comfort you and treat your sinuses.

The elevation will help clear your sinuses naturally.

7. Congested lungs and body aches can both be treated with a menthol rub.

Use mentholated ointment on your chest area to ease congestion. Use mentholated lotion to rub sore aching muscles.

8.Treat a sinus headache naturally by holding a warm wet cloth to your forehead.

This causes your sinuses to drain and relieves your headache.

9. Use a humidifier at night to keep your room air moist.

Dry air can dry out your sinuses and cause irritation. Cool moist air can be a useful natural treatment for congestion. It works for babies and it will work for you.

10. Seek professional help.

If your cold does not improve within a few days or your symptoms worsen, see your doctor. He/she can tell you if what you have is more than a simple cold.

Please note: The author is not a licensed medical professional. This article is not meant to replace professional advice.

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