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Does Depression Influence Fertility?

One of your biggest enemies if you are trying to conceive is depression. Studies show that keeping a positive outlook on life boosts your fertility and helps you get pregnant. Here’s why:

How does depression affect fertility?

Research shows that depression affects the hypothalamus that helps regulate our hormones. This triggers a negative response in a woman’s body that affects her ovulation and fertility and even the subsequent implantation of the egg once it reaches the uterus.

Sadly studies show that even women who have no history of depression, often experience some level of anxiety by the second and third year of infertility and that the situation does not return to normality until 6 years later.

To learn more about depression and fertility click here.

5 steps to increase your fertility – Is depression reversible?

Definetly. There are several ways in which a couple can overcome the odds against them and still have children. Here’s how:

About depression and fertility – How to increase your chances of getting pregnant

The first step to increase your chances of getting pregnant is to think positive. Consider your past attempts as a closed chapter in your life and start a fresh page with your latest attempt.

How to overcome depression and boost your fertility – Focusing on your relationship increases your chances of getting pregnant

During those couple of weeks following your ovulation when you are eagerly waiting to take your pregnancy test, make an effort to forget about fertility and focus on your needs and your partner’s.

Do activities that interest you as a couple and reconnect with him. Take time off to enjoy each other’s company and rekindle the old flame. Infertility can be hard on both partners, but men are often more reluctant to talk about their feelings that women.

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It is hard for men when they are asked to have sex on cue. It might be fun for the first couple of months but after some time an obsession to time intercourse according to your ovulation cycle can become tough on any man.

Rather than focusing on your reproductive cycle, focus on what were the things that brought you together in the first place. Relax and enjoy your time together.

The race to conceive, especially if you are undergoing IVF can be so emotionally taxing that can hinder not only your intimacy and your martial relationship. Take time off your daily routine and talk about your feelings. Rediscover each other, and focus on making your relationship work.

Click here to learn more about depression and infertility
How to overcome depression and boost your fertility – Vent your disappointment

Allow yourself to release negative feelings constructively. Acknowledge your anger, resentment and grief. Let yourself cry when you are disappointed and verbalize your anger when it arises, but make an effort to overcome negative thoughts once the crisis has passed.

Stress, anxiety and depression are your worst enemies not only when you are trying to conceive but also in the first six to eight weeks of your pregnancy, so shake them off your system.

Keeping a journal is another great way of venting out your disappointment by looking inside yourself in order to find the strength to overcome your anger and disappointment.

How to overcome depression and boost your fertility – About exercise and relaxation

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Moderate exercise like walking, swimming or yoga are all great stress relievers that increase your sense of well being.

Exercise is particularly useful because it helps your body release endorphins – a feel good hormone – that will help you overcome negative feelings and restore your sleep pattern.

How to overcome depression and boost your fertility – Find an internal equilibrium

Rather than worrying that something is wrong with you because you are not pregnant, focus on finding an internal equilibrium and serenity. Yoga and relaxation techniques can be particularly helpful in reaching a balance where you can calm your mind and let go of frustration.

Click here to learn more about Fertility Yoga

How to overcome depression and boost your fertility – Seek help

Don’t be afraid to seek help if your feelings overwhelm you. Your frustration and feelings of inadequacy because you can’t get pregnant, can effect your self esteem, your performance at work and they way you relate with others, especially your partner.

Seek supportive group therapy or speak to a counselor who can help you overcome the negativity. Group therapy can be especially rewarding because you will feel less alone when you open to others in your same situation and this will allow you to work through your disappointment.

Click here to learn more about signs of depression due to infertility

How to overcome depression and boost your fertility – Don’t lose Hope!

Studies show that 60 percent of women treated for depression had a viable pregnancy within 6 months,(1998 Journal of American Medical Women) so don’t lose hope if conceiving your baby takes more time you thought – everyone is different.

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Works cited

Depression can it affect your Fertility? Gayle Peterson www. parenting.ivillage.com

Can depression play a role in my fertility? www. baby hopes.com

Emotions and infertility- Alice Lesch Kelly www. find articles.com
