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6 Tips for Getting the Most Benefit from Eating Dark Chocolate

Dove Chocolate

Chocolate, concisely, is one of the most popular gifts to our loved ones on Valentine’s Day and in fact, any holiday, it is appreciated. Chocolate and a dozen roses says, “I love you” in the traditional way. Although we realize the negative effect of eating too much chocolate is weight gain, we love it enough to overlook this fact and eat more of it than we should. However, there are six tips following that will allow us to gain some maximum benefit from eating our beloved chocolate!

Tip #1- Buy dark chocolate that contains at least (65 percent) of cocoa. Wal-mart has a broad selection of dark chocolate bars that have up to 90 percent of cocoa. Chocolates with higher cocoa content have a higher ratio of heart-healthy benefits.

Tip #2Consume dark chocolate in moderation! You cannot go wild and eat a whole box of chocolates in one sitting. The recommended amount of chocolate to eat in one day is one ounce or 25 to 30 grams. I love to eat the dark Dove chocolate squares! They are great.

Tip #3It is okay to eat dark chocolate as a part of an overall healthy eating plan that includes plenty of vegetables, fruits, lean meats, fish, whole grains, nuts and legumes. Always limit intake of processed foods and foods that contain high amounts of sugar, trans and saturated fats, and sodium.

Tip #4Balance daily calorie intake to compensate for the dark chocolate you eat. One ounce of chocolate eaten per day will add approximately 200 calories to your diet. Walking two miles burns around 200 calories so you can do this to balance out your chocolate habit. Or, you can walk one mile per day and limit the amount of snacks you eat per day as an alternative in combination to prevent weight gain. I generally choose to walk one mile and replace later snacks with fruit or yogurt to balance your caloric intake.

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Tip #5Consuming 1 ounce of dark chocolate with nuts or fruits will boost nutrition. I enjoy eating five almonds with my daily dose of chocolate. I skip add-ins such as nougat, cream fillings, and caramel. They just add extra calories, fat, and sugar with no nutritional benefits.

Tip #6Enjoy and savor your daily ounce of chocolate slowly! This works and you will be satisfied more when you finish eating it. Before putting it in your mouth, take the time to smell it luscious fragrance. Then sit it on your tongue and notice its texture as it slowly changes from a solid to a liquid. Resist the urge to chew it at all. Just let it melt slowly and savor the flavors. By doing this, you will also allow you to appreciate this delicious gift of chocolate God gave us to enjoy!

Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is in no way to be substituted for medical advice.


Personal experience

Branda Polk, author of the Article “Chocolate in a Nutshell,” published in Home Life Magazine, Feb. 2011

Branda Polk is a personal fitness trainer, nutrition counselor, and wellness coach in Lebanon, Tenn.