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4 Alternative Ways to Whiten Teeth

Tooth Brushing, Tooth Enamel, Whiten Teeth, Yellow Teeth

It is no secret that many drinks and foods can stain teeth, such as tea and coffee. People have been searching for years for the perfect teeth whitening remedy for discoloured, yellow teeth. The first thing people need to do is cut out bad habits from their lives which contribute to stained teeth, such as smoking and excess caffeine. There are many foods that can help to whiten teeth. The following 5 suggestions will help you reach a pearly white smile in next to no time.

4 Alternative Ways to Whiten Teeth: Strawberries

Strawberries are more than just a tasty summer treat. They can actually help to whiten your teeth! But before you start buying strawberries by the truck load, be careful. Strawberries have a high level of natural sugar and acid in them, which can damage teeth in the long run if the fruit is not brushed off using a regular fluoride toothpaste. If you use strawberries to whiten your teeth, mash them up and massage them gently over your teeth. Strawberry seeds rubbed harshly against teeth can actually damage the tooth enamel, so be careful. Strawberries are not a substitute for toothpaste, so be sure to finish off with regular tooth brushing.

4 Alternative Ways to Whiten Teeth: Lemon juice mixed with baking soda

Baking soda is well known as a cleaning and whitening agent around the home. It is already a main ingredient in some brands of whitening toothpaste. Home remedies are cheaper than the store bought varieties. Take some baking soda and mix it with a few drops of lemon juice and then apply to the teeth. It will help to create a cleaner, whiter appearance. But, as with strawberries, be careful when using lemon juice. It is highly acidic and will damage tooth enamel if it is not removed quickly from teeth. It is not meant to be left on teeth, but rinsed off.

See also  How to Get Toddlers to Brush Their Teeth--and Enjoy It!

4 Alternative Ways to Whiten Teeth: Salt and baking soda

Salt and baking soda are another combination that can help to whiten teeth. Be careful not to swallow this salt solution though, as it will leave an unpleasant taste in your mouth, and rinse the mouth afterwards with fresh water.

4 Alternative Ways to Whiten Teeth: An apple a day

An apple a day can keep the doctor and the dentist away. According to Jeff Golub-Evans, DDS, who is a cosmetic dentist at New York University: “The mildly acidic nature and astringent quality of apples, combined with their rough, fibre-rich flesh, makes them the ideal food for cleansing and brightening teeth”. After you have eaten an apple, drink a glass of water in order to help remove the sugar and acid that is left behind from the apple.

The above suggestions can help you to achieve brighter, whiter teeth. You can also benefit your smile and your teeth by avoiding foods that stain your teeth and by eating dairy products, that can help to protect and strengthen teeth. But most important of all, do not forget to brush your teeth at least twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.

