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3 Home Remedies for Soothing an Upset Stomach, Including Peppermint Oil, Ginger and Acupressure

Accupressure, Nausea, Peppermint Oil, Upset Stomach, Womens Fitness

The next time you have an upset stomach try a home remedy. Homemade remedies are harmless at worst, and many times work better than nausea medicine.

Most homemade remedies are simple natural ingredients. You probably already have the remedy you need in your pantry.

Determine the cause of nausea.

The first step in caring for an upset stomach is to determine its cause, if you can.

If nausea is accompanied by additional symptoms such as fever, cramps, vomiting, headache, or chest pain you may need to seek medical attention. Nausea can be a symptom of the onset of a serious illness, food poisoning or even a heart attack.

Nausea that results from motion sickness, nerves, menstruation, medication, or other triggers of a simple upset stomach can be treated with soothing home remedies.

Peppermint oil calms upset stomach.

Peppermint oil is a natural and easy way to calm an upset stomach. Herbal peppermint has been used for centuries to treat a variety of digestive disorders. Harvard Health Publications reports that peppermint has been effective in a number of clinical studies.

Peppermint contains a large amount of menthol which provides a soothing effect to cool nerve receptors.

Peppermint is available in oil, capsules and tea. Peppermint candy or gum can also be an effective treatment for upset stomach.

The benefits of peppermint oil don’t last very long, but peppermint should provide a quick fix and may tide you over a spell of nausea.

Ginger tea is a soothing treatment for nausea.

Ginger root is a highly recommended natural remedy for nausea. Real Women’s Fitness has reported on the long-term use and benefits of ginger in calming stomach ailments.

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Like peppermint, you can purchase ginger tea, infused with other herbs or make your own, potent ginger tea.

Ginger tea is easy to make. Boil slivers of ginger in hot water for five to ten minutes. Longer boiling time makes stronger tea. Add a splash of lemon juice. Sweeten as desired with honey or sugar.

A quick alternative to ginger tea is ginger ale or ginger gum.

Acupressure can help ease an upset stomach.

Acupressure and acupuncture are beneficial for a number of pains and illnesses. Both share pressure points, and acupressure is easy to accomplish at home.

To sooth an upset stomach measure three finger widths from your wrist on the inside of your forearm. Press and feel for the pressure point P5. Acupressure points are easily identified because they are slightly tender to the touch. Run your finger approximately 1 1 ½ finger widths back toward your wrist to find pressure point P6.

Press into the pressure points holding for 30 to 45 seconds. Repeat two to three times. If acupressure is going to work you should begin feeling better.


Health Benefits of Ginger, realwomensfitness.com
Health Benefits of Peppermint, Healthbeat,
Harvard Health Publications
Stomachache,Acupressure Online
Ten Best Natural Remedies for Stomach Nausea, Associated Content
