Legitimate Work at Home Office Jobs

Legitimate work at home jobs are real jobs that will either pay you hourly, by salary or on a contractual basis. They do not ask you for money to receive some package that will tell you how to make money. These jobs require that you work first, then you get paid. The income may not ...

What is an Organization’s Vision?

Organization mission statements have been around almost as long as organizations. However, the concept of a vision for an organization is relatively new. A vision is often confused with mission, goals, statement of purpose, and many other terms used by organizations. When used in the context used by agencies that really understand vision, it is ...

Karla News

Tropical Fish Species Facts: Betta

Bettas (also called Siamese fighting fish) are arguably one of the easiest pet fish to care for. That doesn’t mean you should ignore their care or keep them in the tiny plastic bubbles that pet stores sell them in. But, compared to most other fish species, bettas will not need fancy food, a frantic eye ...

Karla News

Best Scenic Drives in Maine

When visiting Maine, it does not take long to acknowledge the beauty of the nature surrounding you. Many people enjoy viewing the scenery that Maine has to offer from the comfort of their own vehicles. But which routes provide the best scenic drives in the state? You’re about to find out. Whether you are visiting ...

Karla News

How Oatmeal Can Help Acne

Many Americans suffer from acne and the many embarrassing and painful effects of having it. Many youths and adults tend to turn to western medicine for the answer. If you are like my cousin, and would rather use an herbal remedy, then I may have a great solution for you. Before reading this article it ...

Karla News

Bullying: Intervention, Prevention and Common Signs & Symptoms

Bullying is, unfortunately, something many school children will encounter throughout their lives, whether as a victim, witness, or participant. Below you will learn about bullying, intervention, prevention, and common signs and symptoms a bullied child might display. What Is Bullying? To bully someone is to verbally or physically do harm for the purpose of gaining ...

Karla News

Moles – when to Be Concerned

What are Moles? Moles are clusters of pigmented cells that often appear as small, dark brown spots on the body. However, moles can come in a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes. Some people are born with moles while the majority will develop between 10 and 40 moles throughout life. New moles appear into ...

When a (Black) Man Loves a (White) Woman

In this day and age, people of all races, cultures and genders are coming together and nobody is truly shocked by anything anymore. It has become the norm to see a man kissing his boyfriend and people of mixed heritage. I like to think that we are evolving, becoming more tolerant and excepting the choices ...

Karla News

Make Your Own Potpourri Pies

Aromatic smells coming from the kitchen is the sign of a welcoming home, but if you don’t happen to be baking at the moment, you can still have fabulous smells wafting out from the kitchen, by using potpourri. Make potpourri pies for your kitchen, and you’ll not only have wonderful scents in the kitchen, but ...