Karla News

The Battle of Vicksburg: The Turning Point of the US Civil War

When people think about all of the battles fought during the United States Civil War, the most famous is the Battle of Gettysburg. The majority would say it was the most important battle and the turning point of the war, however, that is not the case. The turning point of the Civil War occurred in ...

Karla News

Best Women’s Cords for Winter 2010

Cords in various colors are a staple in most women’s winter wardrobe. Instead of wearing jeans all winter, cords can offer some variety, color, and warmth when it comes to your pants selection. When purchasing cords, however, it is important to be selective in which brands and cuts you buy; in many clothing stores, the ...

Karla News

How to Reduce the Look and Feel of Cellulite Naturally

I don’t know about other women, but as I’ve gotten older, cellulite has become a real problem for me. Seeing what looks like lumpy cottage cheese beneath my skin can be one of the most irritating parts of my day. There are a number of factors that can contribute to cellulite production, the main one ...

Karla News

Natural Beauty Pageants: Where A Kid Can Be a Kid

In a world where there are hundreds of beauty pageant systems to choose from, with each one a little different from the next, it can be a little confusing. But in the children’s’ beauty pageant world there are two distinct differences; Glitz Pageants which allows the big hair styles, fancy pageant dresses and a substantial ...

Karla News

How I Lowered My HDL and LDL Cholesterol Levels

Every six months I have to have my blood drawn. Blood work goes with the territory when you have had a gastric bypass operation. One of the tests that were done was my cholesterol levels. I have Cor Pulmonale, and with this diagnosis it is important that I keep my cholesterol within normal limits. My ...

Karla News

How to Build a Grape Vine Trellis

Grape vines need to be trained to grow upward on a trellis for maximum sun and air exposure. Training your grape vines to grow on a three wire trellis will provide that for the grape vines and make harvesting the grapes easier for you. The main building materials for building a grape vine trellis are ...

Karla News

FSBO and How to Advertise Your Open House

Are you trying to selling your home without using a real estate professional? In the real estate industry, this do-it-yourself marketing is referred to as “For Sale by Owner,” or FSBO for short. Selling a home FSBO means that the responsibility of marketing the home falls squarely on the shoulders of the property owner. There ...

Karla News

The Goods and the Bads of the Invisible Fence

We all know that dogs should be contained in one way or another. No matter how obedient one might consider their dog, there is always the risk that a stray cat, foraging squirrel or even the runner who lives next door might catch Rover’s attention and send him off without a care in the world. ...

Karla News

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Songs on ITunes

iTunes has become the most popular music software available. Everyone has an iPod or an iPhone, and Steve Jobs is a household name. But is iTunes really the best place to purchase songs? #1 – DRM (Digital Rights Management) Ah yes, the dreaded DRM. DRM basically limits the ways you can use songs or other ...