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How to Paint a Clown Face on Yourself


Do you want to dress up like a clown and need a clown face to go with it? Disguising yourself as a clown can be a great way to provide entertainment at a child’s birthday party or as part of a costume to wear to a party. You can even make money dressed as a clown by providing entertainment for local businesses and functions. Painting a clown face can be a fun and creative.

To paint a clown face, you’ll need to have face paint. You can either use basic face paint or professional grease paint. Face paint can be purchased at your local craft store while you may have to buy professional grease paint online. Grease paint tends to give more dramatic looking results and lasts longer, but the basic face paint is more readily available and easier to work with. You’ll also need baby oil for removing the clown paint, a shower cap for protecting your hair, and some facial cleansing cream and face powder.

Here how to paint a clown face:

Get prepared.

Lay out your supplies and pull your hair back into a pony tail and pin it up on your head. Put on your shower cap to protect your hair from the face paint.

Cleanse your face.

Thoroughly cleanse your face with your facial cleansing cream or baby oil and dry it well.

Find your lines.

Make a grimacing expression while looking in the mirror to determine natural lines for creating a funny face.

Apply your basic white coat.

If using grease paint, use your fingertips to apply a coat of white paint to your face, ears, and neck. If streaks develop during application, pat the area lightly with the backs of your fingers to smooth the area.

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Outline your basic clown features.

To experiment with features, use a soft tissue to lightly rub white paint out of the areas where you intend to paint your clown nose, mouth, and eyebrows. Do you like the look? If not, use the white grease paint to fill in those areas and try again. Experiment until you find a clown face you like.

Fill in your color.

Once you’ve outlined a clown expression you like, use your colored paint to fill in the expression using the tip of your little finger. For noses, a bright red shade always goes over well. Eyebrows can be black and mouths can be any color you choose, although brilliant red always goes over well. If you don’t like the look, simply remove the colored face paint using baby oil and reapply.

Set your clown face.

Once you’ve painted on the clown expression you want, apply your facial powder using a soft tissue or sponge. This will ensure that the clown paint isn’t removed when you eat or drink.

Once you’ve finished painting your clown face, you can select a cute clown costume and no one will ever know it’s you! At the end of the evening, simply use baby oil and cleansing cream to remove the face paint. Now that you know how to paint a clown face, you can become a clown any time you wish.