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Zapzyt Acne Wash – Product Review

Acne Medications

Rapidly approaching forty and still dealing with acne is nothing short of a drag. Whether smack dab in the teen years or in the twenties and beyond, having to contend with regular or sporadic outbreaks of acne can take a toll on one’s self esteem and emotional stability. I recently tried Zapzyt Acne Wash to counteract a sudden rash of acne that cropped up during the holiday festivities. Whether my sudden outbreak of annoying and embarrassing acne was due to holiday stress or hormonal fluctuations due to my age, I do not know. Here are my impressions of Zapzyt Acne Wash.

My recent usage of Zapzyt Acne Wash was not my first experience with the Zapzyt brand. In my late twenties I gave Zapzyt a try after experiencing an outbreak after the birth of my second daughter. The previous formula was very effective in clearing up my complexion, however, the product was too strong for my sensitive skin. I remember that my skin cleared up almost immediately but I was left with a slightly pinkish and sensitive hue to my face. I noticed that the Zapzyt Acne Wash on the shelves today was advertised to be “new” and contained the soothing additions of chamomile and aloe influenced me to give Zapzyt Acne Wash another try.

Zapzyt Acne Wash is priced at $4.99 for a six point twenty five ounce tube. The product contains two percent Salicylic Acid which is an effective ingredient in the fight against acne. Compared to other acne medications available without a prescription, $4.99 is a very reasonable price.

The directions on the back of the Zapzyt Acne Wash tube instructs the consumer to use this product twice daily. Although I was confident that this product was indeed infused with chamomile and aloe to soothe my sensitive skin, I decided to err on the side of caution and only use this product several times a week. I added Zapzyt Acne Wash into my beauty routine and limited my use of the product to three times a week. In between using Zapzyt Acne Wash, I continued to use my regular facial cleanser and was quite pleased with the results.

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After only using Zapzyt Acne Wash three times during the course of a week and a half, my acne was completely cleared up and I was pleased to see that my skin returned to normal. I did not experience any undo dryness flaking or redness like the past. Whether my positive results were from the new formula or from my sporadic use of the product, I can not be certain. I can only say with conviction that Zapzyt Acne Wash was quite instrumental in clearing up my acne in record time.

I would certainly recommend this product in the treatment of acne. If your skin is sensitive or frequently responds negatively to strong acne medications, I would suggest using Zapzyt Acne Wash in moderation and working up to the recommended usage. Overall I would rate Zapzyt Acne Wash four and a half out of five stars.