Karla News

Work at Aldi: It Isn’t for Everyone

Aldi, aldi's

Shopping at Aldi can save a great deal of money. I’ve been shopping at this store for many years, and I absolutely love it. I’ve experienced lean times when I wouldn’t have been able to provide enough food for my family, and Aldi was the answer to high grocery bills. In addition, the imported chocolate and other foods are fabulous, and most of their products are just as good as or better than popular name brand products. It’s a great place to shop, and the company genuinely seems to care about customer satisfaction, but is it a great place to work?

Jobs at Aldi seem to be in great demand because it’s common knowledge that the pay is exceptional, but it’s obvious to me that the employees earn every dime of their pay. I used to think I’d like a cashier’s job at Aldi, but scanning groceries isn’t all that cashiers do on a regular basis. Seeing the work that Aldi employees do each and every time I’m in the store has made me rethink my desire to work for this particular company and has given me a whole new respect for the people who cheerfully ring up my groceries each week. It isn’t an undesirable company to work for, but the work obviously isn’t easy.

Do You Like to Work Fast?

Ringing up groceries and other items looks easy, but overall, work at this popular store seems to be very fast-paced. The employees don’t have to bag groceries, but when they aren’t busy ringing up purchases they’re stocking shelves and doing other laborious tasks to keep the store running smoothly. Although they use a hydraulic lift to transport goods to their proper locations within the store, they still have to do a fair amount of lifting and reaching. While completing these tasks they have to watch and listen for customers who are ready to check out. A job at Aldi obviously isn’t for everyone, and expectations and requirements should be taken into careful consideration before signing on to work for this company.

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Where’s the Help?

Aldi is able to keep prices down because of low overhead costs, but unfortunately customer service is sometimes lacking as a result. Although most stores have at least three cash registers, many times only one is in use, and it’s up to one employee to do it all. I really don’t mind waiting in line. The savings is worth the wait, but I’ve shopped during times when lines formed almost to the back of the store, and one or two cashiers did their best to ring up customers as quickly as possible.

I imagine it would be somewhat unnerving to see a long line of people with carts loaded to the top and realize you’re the only one available to ring them up. Maybe employees eventually become use to this situation. After all, it isn’t their fault, and they’re doing the best they can.

Applying for a Job with Aldi

If you think you’d like to work for this company you can apply online at http://www.npps1.com/joesjobs/JJwelcome.htm. This website is not a part of the Aldi website, but it is a recruiting website commissioned by Aldi. You can also learn more about Aldi by visiting http://www.Aldi.com. It’s a wonderful place to shop, and for some it’s a fantastic place to work. Decide for yourself if a job with Aldi is right for you.
