Articles for tag: Back Packing, Grocery Bags

Karla News

How to Properly Pack a Grocery Bag

There was a time when packing a grocery bag properly was common sense. Those days are long gone. Grocery store cashiers, if they pack grocery bags at all, today are accustomed to packing three or four items in a plastic bag and depositing bag upon bag in the customer’s shopping cart. These plastic grocery bags ...

Karla News

Benefits of Reusable Grocery Bags

In 2009, consumers made an average of 2.1 trips to the supermarket every week, says the Food Marketing Institute. That’s 109 shopping trips per year. If every shopping trip resulted in four disposable plastic or paper grocery bags, that would equate to 436 grocery bags needing disposal or recycling per person every year. Keep in ...

15 Uses for Brown Paper Grocery Bags

When you visit your grocery store, do you ask for plastic or paper? Brown paper grocery bags aren’t as popular as they once were, but they are still used by grocery stores and other businesses as well. Once you get them home, what do you do with your paper grocery bags? The average brown paper ...

25 Brilliant Uses for Plastic Grocery Bags

If you’re like me, you always find yourself with a huge stash of plastic grocery bags. No, it’s not because I shop for groceries that often. Everytime I visit any store, I end up bringing home additional plastic bags. Even if I purchase just one item, it ends up inside a plastic bag. But I’m ...