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Wheat Germ: It’s Uses and Benefits

Wheat, Wheat Germ

Many have found a strong benefit in supplementing their diets with vitamins, minerals, herbs and the like. One such well known supplement is wheat germ. Wheat germ is a supplement high in both vitamin E and folic acid. When choosing a wheat germ product, one must first decide whether they want to purchase it raw/fresh or toasted. Because fresh wheat germ spoils very quickly, most people opt for toasted wheat germ. Also, the toasted is much more palatable and easier to use in recipes, etc. Nonetheless, if you do decide to purchase the raw form, you can divide it into small zip-Lock bags, then freeze and thaw only as needed.

Wheat Germ is said to offer many benefits such as:

1. Antioxidant – Because it is high in vitamin E, wheat germ is recognized as an antioxidant. Antioxidants are known for aiding the body by boosting the immune system and aiding the body in cell repair.
2. Great source of protein. Wheat germ is a very good supplement for vegetarians or others who may struggle to get enough protein in their diets.
3. Said to aid in the slowing down of the aging process (perhaps this is due to the vitamin E).
4. Pre-natal/pregnancy- Wheat germ is a wonderful source of folic acid for pregnant women and/or women hoping to conceive. Folic acid is believed to be extremely important in human development.
5. Increases energy/stamina.

Toasted wheat germ is very tasty. You can add wheat germ to your diet rather simply.

1. Yogurt Topping/Smoothies – I sprinkle a tablespoon or so of wheat germ on top of my yogurt. In addition to the health benefits, it gives the yogurt a little crunch and added taste. You can also add wheat germ to your favorite smoothie recipe.
2. Add to soups/stews – The wheat germ is especially tasty in more creamy soups like corn, carrot, squash or mushroom. I add about a tablespoon of wheat germ per serving. For example, if it’s four servings, I add four tablespoons of wheat germ.
3. Add to hot cereal – One of the easiest ways to incorporate wheat germ is to add it to hot cereal. I simply add a 1/2 dose (1 tablespoon) to my oatmeal while cooking and it is absolutely delicious.
4. Add it to pancake/waffle or bread mix – My husband was a little skeptical about me adding wheat germ to his favorite waffle recipe, but truthfully he admitted that he didn’t notice a difference. Again, I add a tablespoon for every serving.
5. Use as a salad topping – Sprinkle on top of salad like you would sesame/sunflower seeds, nuts or bacon bits. Again, you get all of the health benefits with added taste.
6. Add to homemade cole slaw, chicken, egg, tuna or potato salad.
7. Mix in salad dressing, mustard or mayonnaise. Going to make a sandwich? Just mix your condiment and wheat germ together in a bowl. This is especially tasty with toasted sandwiches or burgers.
8. Dessert idea – Sprinkle wheat germ on canned apple pie filling. First heat the fruit, then sprinkle on the wheat germ. It tastes a lot like an apple crunch.

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These are just a few ways to incorporate wheat germ in your diet. If you know of more ideas, please leave me a comment.