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10 Outdoor Activities for Toddlers that are Fun, Safe and Easy

Outdoor Activity, Sensory Play, Toddler Activities

As spring melts away the cold of winter, and summer is on the horizon, families begin to spend more time outside. Finding fun and safe activities for your toddler to enjoy outdoors can take a little planning. Here are ten great outdoor activities for your toddler.

Blowing bubbles. What toddler doesn’t love blowing bubbles? This outdoor toddler activity is safe and fun. Look for bubble wands of various sizes and lengths. Dress your toddler in old clothes and let him try to blow the bubbles himself.

Sensory playSensory play is a perfect outdoor activity for toddlers. Set up a small table with plenty of items to feel such as sugar, flour, sand, and beans. Then let your toddler enjoy himself! Having a sensory play station set up outdoors keeps you from having to clean up any messes..

Water play. You don’t have to have a sprinkler or swimming pool for your toddler to have fun with water. Just set her up with a bucket of water and cups and containers of various shapes and sizes. She will love pouring the water from cup to cup. This outdoor toddler activity does require it to be a little warmer since your toddler is bound to get wet!

Planting flowers. This outdoor toddler activity may allow you to get some work done too. While you are planting flowers in pots, give your toddler a pot with some potting soil and some weeds you have pulled up to “plant.” He will love being just like mommy or daddy and planting “flowers.

Make a salad. Give your toddler some safe, plastic scissors for this outdoor toddler activity. Then go around the yard and cut weeds, wild onions, and even a few leaves. Toss all of your greens in a bowl to make a salad. This “cooking” activity is a joy for most toddlers.

See also  Sensory Play is Important for Preschoolers and Toddlers

Sidewalk chalk. Your toddler will love having such a huge canvas to draw on! Just set your toddler up with some chunky sidewalk chalk and let him draw on the driveway or sidewalk. You can draw some pictures too and practice words while you have fun outside.

Shaving cream fun. Shaving cream is another fun sensory item, but can be a big mess! Bring out a tray or cookie sheet and fill it with shaving cream. Then let your toddler smash, squish, and splat. Your toddler will love this sensory fun, and playing outdoors saves clean-up once again!

Clean-up. Most toddlers love cleaning like their parents. Outdoor clean-up can be a great outdoor activity for toddlers. Just give your toddler a sponge or rag and go around the house cleaning windows, the siding, and outdoor furniture. You can really get some cleaning done while your toddler enjoys some outdoor fun.

Water the flowers. Your toddler will love watering flowers. For this outdoor toddler activity purchase a small, light watering can. Fill it half full with water then let your toddler water potted plants, trees, or even just the grass!

Pick up sticks. As you go around your yard picking up debris such as twigs and sticks, let your toddler help. This outdoor activity for toddlers just involves asking your toddler to pick up as many sticks as he can find. You might be surprised how much he’ll enjoy this outdoor activity.

Spring is the perfect time of year to introduce your toddler to new fun activities that can be enjoyed outside. Grab your toddler and just a few supplies and enjoy these fun and safe outdoor toddler activities.