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What to Do when Your Cat Won’t Eat

Your cat won’t eat and you don’t know what to do. Should you be worried? The short answer is, maybe. Unlike people or dogs, cats can’t go very long without eating. After as little as a couple of days of not eating, a cat be at risk for developing hepatic lipidosis, a serious liver condition that can kill him if not treated quickly and properly.

If your cat won’t eat for more than a day, the first thing you need to do is make a vet appointment. If your kitty checks out okay, you can try enhancing her food with treats. If you still can’t get your cat to eat, you may have to resort to force-feeding.

If your cat has only skipped one meal, there may be nothing to worry about. Keep an eye on him. If he continues to refuse his food or eats very little, it’s time to call the vet. Your cat may have stopped eating because he is ill or in pain. If your cat is congested, he won’t be able to smell his food. Cats won’t eat food that they can’t smell. Or it’s possible your cat’s mouth is sore from an injury or infection, making chewing difficult and painful.

If your cat has a more serious condition, you will want to catch it as early as possible so it can be treated successfully. Once the vet has examined your cat, and determined the cause of her refusing food, he may prescribe an appetite stimulant to help your cat start eating again.

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Once your cat comes home from the vet, there are several things you can do to entice him to eat. Offer him his favorite treat, or pour the juice from a can of tuna on his food. You can also try warming up his food a little bit so that it smells stronger. Make sure you don’t make it hot enough to burn your cat’s mouth. This may be enough to get him eating again.

If all else fails, you may need to force-feed your cat until she is eating on her own again. The first thing you should do is try feeding her small bits of food by hand. Take your time and make it a pleasant bonding time for both of you.

If your cat still won’t eat, you will need to feed him with a syringe. You can get one from your vet or from a pet store. Warm the food a little bit and mash it up really well. Add a little water if necessary, to make it into a batter. Fill the syringe and put the tip into the side if your cat’s mouth, aimed toward the back. Gently push a small amount of food into your cat’s mouth. Give him time to swallow the food before giving him more. Be patient and continue giving him small mouthfuls, taking breaks if your cat needs to. Make sure you never give him a large enough amount that he will choke on it. Clean your kitty up with a washcloth when you are done.

When your cat won’t eat, it is a stressful time for both of you, but there is plenty you can do about it. Get your cat checked out at the vet, to find out the cause and make sure it isn’t serious. Warm her food and offer her treats to entice her to eat. Ask your vet for an appetite stimulant, or force-feed your kitty if all else fails. Chances are you can get your kitty eating on her own again in no time.

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