Karla News

What Happens to Your Body When You’re Pregnant?

Eating for Two

Womens bodies are able to become pregnant but it also causes a lot of problems you wouldn’t realize until you become pregnant. It only takes about 8 weeks before you start getting morning sickness. Morning sickness does not just occur in the morning. I was sick 24 hours a day for 7 months straight. Just imagine having the flu- but worse- for over 7 months. That breaks down to 210 days of constant throwing up which leads to other major problems. You will have numerous cavities from the stomach acid as well as root canals.

All of your organs will move around and be squished together which means you will have to go to the bathroom around 1 every hour or two. This means that you cannot be somewhere without a bathroom for a long period of time. Your clothes will start to become too small. You will be constantly hungry 24 hours a day. You will probably crave foods that you’ve never even eaten before. Despite what everybody says, you are not eating for two people. The baby only consumes the amount of food equivalent to an apple a day. You do not need a 7 course meal 3 times a day.

All of your limbs will start to swell, especially your feet. Your feet will feel extremely tight. You have to keep your feet up at night on a pillow. You could also try having a foot bath in a massaging tub. Your shoes will not fit you anymore. You will need to buy wide shoes and undo the laces as much as possible. After you have the baby your feet will remain the same- 1 size bigger. You will not be able to fit into your shoes again (most likely). This is caused by the extra weight stretching the tendons and muscles in your feet.

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People tell you to take prenatal vitamins when you are pregnant which is correct. You may need to cut the pill in half and take half at a time. The pills are very strong and may make you sick. If you have horrible morning sickness I would suggest buying a lot of soup, jello and applesauce or you will become dehydrated. If you get to the point where you can’t keep water down and you can hardly walk, you need to go to the hospital for IVS. Make sure that you have health insurance because this will cost you about $1000.00 per hospital visit for IVS. Your total bills from having a child and all the hospital visits are at least $30,000. This is probably on the lower end. That’s why it’s very important to have health insurance (with maternity coverage). Most plans do not cover maternity related issues.

When you’re pregnant it also gets very difficult to breathe, especially the closer you come to giving birth. Do not be scared when that time comes, it’s very exciting! Just think, you will be able to jump again! Don’t let people tell you that you won’t get to sleep anymore either because newborns sleep about 20 hours out of the day- you’ll have plenty of time to sleep. I would suggest taking small naps through the day when your baby falls asleep.