What Causes Belly Fat in Women?

Women naturally gain and hold excess fat in areas other than the belly. Hips, thighs, arms, and the buttocks are the areas women are most prone to hold body fat, which makes these areas the common complaints among women wanting to lose weight. So, if belly fat isn’t the main cause of weight gain among women, what causes belly fat in women in the first place, and how the hell do we get rid of it?

While men primarily hold their excess fat in their belly, women seem to hold onto that weight everywhere else, but there are 3 main culprits behind belly fat in women- pregnancy, genetics, and menopause. Yup, hormones again are the main cause of women and belly fat. When the belly expands during pregnancy and the muscles in the belly tear and separate, the tissue that keeps the belly taut begins to sag. Fat present in the belly already becomes more prominent, and the weight tends to shift to the belly area after pregnancy.

In menopause, the excess fat on the butt, thighs, hips, and arms tends to shift toward the belly. Why? Because after menopause (and with general age), women tend to lose muscle mass, and as they lose muscle mass, they cannot burn calories as effectively. Losing estrogen causes weight gain as well, and all this excess weight (fat) goes to the belly rather than the common prone areas, or in addition to them. Often, women never experience belly fat at all until they hit menopause, then are puzzled as to what to do about their new bodies.

Women can gain belly fat simply due to genetics as well, and have fat only in the belly as well. Women who have apple or pear-shaped bodies typically are genetically prone to belly fat due to the natural shape of their bodies. Commonly, however, if a woman has belly fat, she also has excess fat on other areas of her body. So, how does a woman get rid of belly fat? it starts with understanding what causes belly fat in the first place. In understanding how belly fat works, a woman can learn how to lose it overall.

Belly fat is caused by the calories consumed not being burned off (namely sugar calories, which is quick-burning, and therefore, quick-storing energy). If a woman consumes more calories than she is going to use via energy burning later, guess what? The excess calories turn into fat storage straight in the belly. It’s a lovely little storage unit of fat, right in her belly, and the only way to get rid of it is to find a way to use it.

A woman can control and tame her belly fat so she looks and feels better. Belly fat is linked to heart disease, so keeping belly fat at bay goes beyond feeling skinny in jeans, it can actually be life-saving. To lose and keep away belly fat, a woman needs to take it slow, not try to crash-diet her way into a healthier lifestyle. Eating a fiber-rich diet in legumes (beans, lentils, and sprouts), fruits, and vegetables, eating lean proteins (which take more energy to digest, as does fiber, therefore burning more calories), and drinking more water can help to burn off belly fat. A woman should aim for no more than 2 pounds of weight loss per week. The goal is to eat foods that burn off more calories without containing a lot of calories, therefore utilizing the belly fat for energy more efficiently.

Keep in mind, a woman can be maintaining a healthy weight and appear to be healthy, but if her belly fat is in excess, she is more at risk of premature death due to heart disease. A woman’s waist should never exceed 35 inches, no matter the woman’s weight. So, if you are stick thin but for your belly pooch, you can very well be at risk for heart disease. A woman can measure her waist so she knows whether she should be concerned about her belly fat or not.

Measuring your waist size is fairly simple- wrap a measuring tape around your waist right above your hipbone and make sure it’s snug but not squeezing. Exhale without sucking your belly in, allowing the measuring tape to adjust to the motion. This reveals your waist size. If it’s over 35 inches, then you need to talk to your doctor about how you can manage your belly fat, because it very well may put you in danger.

Eating less calories than you burn is the best way to get rid of belly fat, because your body will have to use your belly fat as fuel to keep it going if you aren’t consuming the calories you normally do to keep your body where it’s currently at. To burn off more belly fat, simply consume less calories a day than you normally do (it’s as easy as simply drinking only water with your meals and cutting out juice or soda- those sugar calories jump straight to the belly anyhow), and try to get in a brisk walk daily for half an hour (that burns 300 calories, according to Fitness Magazine). Aim for a weight loss goal of 2 pounds a week, and you’ll be on your way to better health in no time.


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