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What Causes a Sore Throat

Sore Throat, Sore Throats

A sore throat is no surprise when it follows the onset of a cold or flu. However, some sore throat attacks come suddenly and without warning. That painful experience is a sure indication that something is wrong; most probably an attack of the cold or flu is imminent.

What causes a sore throat? There can be many causes. Most sore throats are due to respiratory infections caused by viruses or bacteria. These inflame and irritate throat tissue. Air pollution, dry air and tobacco smoke also play a role in producing a sore throat. Did you feel well and healthy when you went out one day to a village fair, or a local ball game, and the next morning you awoke with a very painful throat, like knives sticking into it? On reflection, you may recall that guy who was standing near to you, puffing that horrible cigar. At the time, you were enjoying yourself so much that you refused to let the smoke bother you. That cigar smoke most probably was the culprit for your terrible discomfort.

Whether a cold follows or not, the symptoms are the same, and the treatment is the same. You need throat soothing foods, and you need to do a lot of gargling. It hurts to swallow, so you lose your appetite because you can’t stand the pain. The simplest way to combat this feeling is to suck on frozen juice pops. Sucking on crushed ice is also helpful. These will soothe your aching throat rapidly. Drink clear juices like apple or cranberry. The vitamin C in these juices will boost your immunity. Eat lots of fruit like berries, mangoes and melons. Try sliced tomatoes with salt. Chicken, vegetable and beef broths are also very helpful.

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By all means, avoid spicy foods, alcohol and caffeine. These cause more irritation to already inflamed membranes, and make the membranes drier. This results in increased pain, and pain is what you definitely want to avoid.

Herbal teas like sage and chamomile are great pain relievers for a sore throat. Drink lots of water and juices to avoid becoming dehydrated. Warm lemonade or a teaspoon of honey with the juice of a lime or lemon, added to some warm water can be slowly sipped to help ease the pain. Gargling with warm water and salt can also provide immediate relief, in addition to washing away mucus and irritants. Try using one teaspoon of salt in an 8-oz. glass of warm water. The juice of a lemon can also be added to warm water with a teaspoon of chamomile and 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar as an alternative gargle.

Zinc is a mineral which assists in immunity. Taking some zinc lozenges will soothe your throat as well as protect your immune system. However if you dislike the taste of these lozenges, you can find supplies of zinc in eggs, yogurt or lean beef. Some or all of these measures will definitely lend relief to your woes, and it is possible that the soreness and pain may disappear as suddenly as it came within three or four days.

However if after your self-help measures, you find your body feeling weak, and you observe other symptoms like fever, headache and upset stomach; or you experience breathing difficulties while the pain persists, it is time to take further action. You should consult a doctor, as this may indicate a more serious condition. Strep throat is a real possibility which definitely requires medication, so too are tonsillitis and peptic ulcer.