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What Are Shaved Door Handles and How Are They Installed?

Ah the body of the car, sleek, straight lines, shiny paint, an example of engineering and beauty put together. However, upon closer look at the body of a car, it may start to seem obvious that a few things just look slightly out of place. Case in point: the car door handles. While not all may object to the look of the door handles, to some, they are a serious nuisance. Thankfully, depending on your vehicle, it is entirely possible to modify your car and remove the door handles, instead finding a new way to open them.

That new way comes with a product which is commonly known as “shaved” door handles. The idea behind this change is a fairly simple one. Basically, the door handles are removed, and flat metal is sanded and welded (or glued) in their place. After professional painting and touch up, the car looks as if door handles were never on it in the first place. The doors are then opened by a sort of gas shock or “popper” that is mounted between the door and the car. When a button on a keychain is activated, the popper is triggered and the doors are opened. Of course, this does have some draw backs. It can generally only be done, or be done in an attractive manner, on cars with two doors, and it eliminates the normal method of entering and exiting your car. Note that it is also requires some precision so that everything looks good on the outside of the vehicle.

When it comes to putting the shaved door handles on your car, there are a couple options that you can go with. For a little bit of money (the cost is generally not too high) any custom work or body shop will be able to install the door handles for you in a limited amount of time. The other benefit to going to a professional is knowing that your doors will be properly repainted and will thus look professional. Of course, paying a lot of money is not the only way to get something done, and it is entirely possible to install the shaved door handles yourself, although it is generally not recommended for those who have little or no experience modifying their vehicles.

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Note that the method your going to have to use is likely going to vary depending on your individual car. However, the basic steps are going to remain the same. The first thing that has to be done is to remove the door handles. In order to do this, you are going to have to conduct a search online or obtain a manual for your specific vehicle, this should give plenty of instructions on getting the handles off.

Remember to purchase your kit for the shaved door handles before you begin taking your car apart. There are likely going to be instructions that must be followed at different points during this process. However, after you remove the door handles your going to want to fill in the space that is no left in the door. This can be done in a variety of ways, and the choice is really up to the owner of the vehicle. Basically, you are either going to have fill in the location with body putty and sand it perfectly even, or obtain lightweight sheet metal and either glue (use professional automotive glue – check your local store) or weld the piece onto the door. If you do go with the option of welding, you are going to have to do some heavy-duty sanding in order to make everything even again.

After you get the door handles evened out, and make sure that everything is properly sanded and primed for paint, remember to specifically follow the instructions on your kit that you purchased. The method is going to be different on every vehicle, but for the most part, the kits offer very clear instructions and it is a generally easy project.

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While many are able to install shaved door handles without the aid of professional help, many also do take their vehicles and have the service done. The choice is really up to the driver. Just remember to have fun, and in the end, your going to have a unique body modification to your vehicle and something that will not only look interesting, but will be fun and functional as well. Just remember to be careful and make it look good, when cutting apart your car, you only get one chance to do it right.