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Ways for College Students to Make Money

Campus Jobs, Donating Plasma

It’s not just the classes that make college life difficult for many students. When money issues come into play, university life can really start to feel rough. While many students earn scholarships and grants to pay for their schooling, finding the cash for a social life is sometimes much harder. On-campus jobs are great, but hours and pay can be limited depending on the school. Many students hold off-campus jobs, a good idea unless transportation is an issue.

There is however a few things students can do when finances. While the ideas listed below are not ‘get rich quick’ plans by any means, they can give a college student enough money to have an evening out with friends, pay a small bill, or buy gas for a road trip home.

1.Donating plasma – If your area has a plasma donation center, check it out. Commonly found in big cities, these places take blood donation a step further by withdrawing plasma from your system. Some people don’t take well to plasma donations and some can’t give due to health issues. You should be in good health and have a relatively high iron count to be considered. Call a center in your area for specifics. These centers will usually pay at least $20 to $30 and some will pay more depending on the location. Though some find it a little shady because they’re getting paid, donating plasma is like donating blood. Someone in need will receive what you’re willing to give and you’ll come out with a small reimbursement for your time.

2.Typing papers – The bane of many college students is having papers to type. It can be time consuming for anyone, especially those not skilled in touch typing. Even at the college level, there are a lot of hunt-and-peck keyboardists who spend double the time trying to finish one paper. If you happen to be fast with your fingers and have time beyond your own classes and assignments, advertise to type papers for other students. Post flyers on public bulletin boards around campus with your phone number and rates. Keep them reasonable and make sure that anyone who ‘hires’ you knows that you are not writing their paper for them just copying onto computer what they have already written. If you’re good with spelling and proofreading, offer to fix any technical mistakes for them for an extra (but small) fee. Otherwise, make sure they know that your typed product will be exactly as they’ve given it to you in written form. Make good on your promises to deliver and you might even find that this type of money making idea can turn into a pretty lucrative venture.

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3.Writing for Associated Content – It may be a shameless plug, but the truth is that for any college student willing to put forth the time to write, there is money to be made. Associated Content has been the best in my experience and probably the easiest to get started with. If you know a college student who could use a little extra money, make sure to tell them about the site. If you are one, sign up to be a content producer and get writing. Make sure to read all the guidelines, check the forums, and read what others have wrote to get a feel for the atmosphere for the site. Because of its diversity, you have a wide range of topics to write about, many of which will offer payment. Between classes and peer interaction, college students are exposed to good article ideas on an every day basis. Take note of these experiences and start writing. You might be pleasantly surprised at how much you can make.

4.House and Pet Sitting – If you’re a college student who doesn’t mind giving up a weekend of going out with friends to make a little bit of extra money spread the word that you’re a willing house and pet sitter. Non-traditional students (those who are older and returning to classes after several years) and professors are likely to be the most interested in having someone keep watch over their place while they take a trip somewhere. In many cases, house sitting goes hand in hand with pet sitting, and you’d be surprised at the number of people who not only want someone to feed their animals and let them out to go to the bathroom, but to stay and ‘keep them company’ as well. A weekend gig watching someone’s furry friend can be a well paid and very easy job. Remember though, you are working, so inviting your friends over for a keg party is a definite no.

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5.Designated Driver – Perfect for those who are too young to hit the bars or old enough but just don’t like to drink, this money making venture is also a safe way to help keep the roads clear of drunk drivers. You can advertise for this or simply spread to the word to your friends. On any given weekend, there are many students looking for a designated driver so that they can let completely loose without worrying about repercussions. If you don’t have a car for this, find someone who does and see if they want to do a joint venture (a safer way to go if you’re worried about violent or overly friendly drunks). Check around to the local cab companies and see what they’re rates are, then set your own slightly lower. Ask for the money up front if you’re not a trusting soul, or have them give it to you when you pick them up from their place of drunken happiness. Not too crazy about charging you friends for rides? Tell them it’s for gas money. Chances are, when a group pitches in, you’ll be coming out ahead in the financial deal and they’ll just be grateful to have a safe ride home.

Though it may take awhile to get some of these ideas up and running, once they catch on, they’ll be a nice way for college students to bring in extra income. Fit your money making venture into your normal school and work schedule, then enjoy the extra padding in your pocket when your hard work pays off.

See also  Plasma Donation Centers in Philadelphia
