Articles for tag: Blood Donations, Donating Blood, Health Questions

Karla News

The Importance of Donating Blood

Donating blood is one of the most important, selfless, and humanitarian acts that a human can perform and it doesn’t cost a penny. How much blood is needed? Close to forty thousand units is needed every day in America alone. That calculates to someone in this country – a cancer patient, a trauma patient – ...

Why More People Do Not Donate Blood

There are probably more than a hundred reasons explaining why some people may never donate blood. Some people are afraid of needles while others faint at the sight of blood. Many people do not realize the shortage of blood supply or how they could help save a life. Some live in such a rural area ...

Karla News

Donating Blood – Why It’s Important

Imagine this: You are driving down the road with your significant other, on the way to a fantastic romantic dinner. The two of you are enjoying a wonderful conversation about your future together, and all that you have planned. There is a traffic light coming up, you are okay to go through, so you continue. ...

The Benefits of Donating Blood

I’ll come right out and say it: I hate needles! But one needle I’ll gladly put up with when stuck in my arm is the one that is offered up by the American Red Cross ( during their bi-monthly blood drives. What do they say about donating blood? It’s the “gift that keeps on giving?” ...

Donate Blood: Save a Life

According to the Red Cross, someone in the United States needs blood every 2 seconds. But only 5% of eligible residents donate blood every year. Donating blood is an excellent way of saving a life, or two. If you have never donated blood, you should seriously consider it. Why Do People Need Blood? People need ...

Karla News

Donating Blood, Double Red Cells, Plasma, and Platelets

Blood donating is not just donating blood anymore. In this article you will see the other ways that your donation can be used. You can donate your blood, Double Red Cells, Platelets, and Plasma. There are guidelines that need to be followed as in with any blood donation. There are some very good reasons to ...

Karla News

Risks of Donating Plasma

Giving plasma donations can benefit others who need help in emergencies while earning some extra money, but the risks of donating plasma should be considered as well. There are some precautions to take to lessen the health risks of donating plasma. The process for donating plasma is similar to donating blood. The only difference is ...