Karla News

Uncontrollable and Controllable Causes of High Blood Pressure

We should all remember that high blood pressure doesn’t have any symptoms. A person can have high blood pressure without realizing it. Many Americans actually have it for years but aren’t able to find out for years. This is why it’s called the “silent killer.” It slowly creeps up on you. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart attack, heart failure and kidney failure according to the American Heart Association. The only way to figure our if you have high blood pressure is to have your blood pressure checked.

Both my parents actually have high blood pressure and they weren’t able to find out until they went to the doctor and had their blood pressure checked. They were told to watch what they eat and have an active lifestyle. Both my parents were prescribed with medication as well. So what are some common causes of high blood pressure?

There are two different types: controllable and uncontrollable causes. Controllable causes include obesity, eating too much salt, drinking too much alcohol, lack of physical ability and birth control pills. Uncontrollable causes include heredity and age.

As the body weight increases, the blood pressure rises. So we have to watch out diet and make sure that we are working out as well. An active lifestyle will help burn those calories off which in turn will help us avoid the unwanted weight gain and obesity as well. High sodium intake increases blood pressure to some people. So watch your sodium intake as well. It’s never good to have too much of anything. Alcohol is another cause. Heavy or regular use of alcohol can increase high blood pressure dramatically. Birth control pills to some women can cause your blood pressure to go up. So make sure that you talk to your doctor first before taking any type of birth control pills.

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If you have parents or blood relatives that have high blood pressure, then you’re more likely to develop it. That’s the reason why I’ve been watching what I eat and making sure that I have an active lifestyle. Both of my parents have high blood pressure and I have a big chance of developing it. Age is also another uncontrollable cause. The older you get, the greater your chance of developing high blood pressure. It is more likely for people thirty-five and over to develop the disease.

So we all have to watch out. If we don’t monitor our diet and if we don’t have an active lifestyle, then there’s a chance that we can develop high blood pressure. It is not something anyone would want to go through. I know how much my parents are suffering and how much more work they need to do now that they have high blood pressure. It is also hard for me, their daughter, and my siblings as well. My dad actually had a mild stroke before and it wasn’t a pleasant experience. So let’s not put ourselves and our families in that same position. We need to start taking care of ourselves and our health.
