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Ujjayi Pranayama: Cure Thyroid and Other Throat Related Diseases


There are thousands of people who suffer from the throat diseases like thyroid, bronchitis, and the respiratory system organs. Though there are many allopathic medicines available to treat such diseases but such medicines have very harmful side effects that may result in to many other diseases. In this way, the vicious cycle of the diseases occurs and it is extremely difficult to come out of it. The most effective way to cure such diseases is to practice suitable pranayama techniques. These simple exercises cure the individual without any harmful side effects and also bring additional benefits to our body and mind. One such pranayama is Ujjayi pranayama. It helps mainly to cure thyroid, which is very commonly observed recently in middle aged people along with the other diseases pertaining to throat area.

Sit in a proper yogic posture in padhmasana with both the thumbs of your hands touching the first finger of each hand and both hands resting on the respective knees. Keep your eyes closed and try to concentrate by taking slow and deep breaths. Around 4/5 such long breaths shall prepare you to start the actual pranayama practice. Contract the inner muscles of your throat as much as you can. Then, breathe in through both the nostrils forcefully so that the incoming air touches the contracted muscles of the throat. When the air passes through these contracted muscles of the throat, a buzzing sound comes out of the throat. Do not hold the breath inside in the beginning. After around two weeks of practice of this pranayama, start holding the breath inside for as much time as possible. While holding your breathe, also perform the Moola bandha and the Jalandhar bandha to your capacity. Moola bandha is done by pulling your perineum portion between penis and anus upwards to maximum and hold it in the same position for as much time as possible. Jalandhar bandha is done by touching your chin to the pit of your neck by bending of the neck. The detailed procedure of doing these bandhas is explained by me in previous articles. Then, start exhaling only through left nostril slowly by closing the right nostril with your right hand thumb. Repeat this exercise for as much time as you can do. In the beginning, try to limit it to around 5 times maximum. Then gradually increase it to around 15 times maximum over a period of around 2 months. Try to minimize this exercise during the peak summer as this is a heat producing exercise. However, it can be done to its full time in peak winter.

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This is a stress generating pranayama and may be practiced after kapalbhati pranayama to get maximum benefits. Initially, it may be difficult for an individual to practice this pranayama as the contraction of throat muscles can be achieved only after few days practice. The pranayama will bring maximum benefits once you achieve the maximum contraction of the throat muscles. The asthma patients must practice this pranayama very slowly without both the bandhas. This is a special type of pranayama and must be practiced mainly by the patients of thyroid. It may not be necessary for all the persons to practice this pranayama on regular basis. However, they may practice this pranayama, once every week, to get preventive benefits of it. This pranayama can also be done while sitting on a chair or even in sleeping posture in case of physical limitations of an individual. However, make sure to perform it with completely empty stomach in the early morning hours.

When such effective and easy solutions are available with us to cure major diseases like thyroid, why should we resort to trying of harmful allopathic medicines having severe side effects? My readers may contact me in case of any doubt they have on this pranayama.